Random questions to which you seek an answer
Wish they were buy one get one free.
tough call. which color do you have most of in your wardrobe? i have so much blue, i'd opt for the red just for the difference.
Good point. Kind of leaning that way too.
@mikebarhoot I got the red one. And I upgraded the snaps to MOP. Thanks for your input.
@mikebarhoot I got the red one. And I upgraded the snaps to MOP. Thanks for your input.
Good choice. [emoji106]
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Are lined shakets ok just to throw in a normal 40 degree wash?
Are lined shakets ok just to throw in a normal 40 degree wash?
I remember reading that someone had a problem with their 105… The cotton outer shrank up a bit while the polyester didn't,resulting in turn-up around the hem. I washed my 106 on 40C and it went fine though. Maybe wash on 30 just to be safe?
Hello, there's something i have been meaning to ask. Iron heart makes pant's that fit the big boys. be it big and tall, big and short, muscular, obese, you name it.. but when it comes to their shirting…. well lets just say a XXXl ironheart is quite small in comparison to other brands. i understand it is a japanese company and they size things to fit their idea of consumer needs. but the discrepancy is confounding. im not sure if there is a single person in the world who would need a size 40-44 waist iron heart pant who would be able to fit into one of their awesome shirts. please comment.
An inch is an inch is an inch anywhere in the world, but a Large is not necessarily a Large everywhere in the world.
In very broad terms US top sizing is larger than European is larger than Japanese.
I do not believe that an IH XXXL is small compared to other Japanese brands. In fact I think it is on the whole larger.
The big guys always think that there will be massive demand for larger sizes. 1) I went to the retailers to suggest we went to XXXXL in some of the staple shirts and jackets - I got zero interest (which suggests they think there is little or no demand) and 2) We practically always get left with XX and XXXL shirts and jackets (which suggests that doing an XXXXL would not get enough actual demand to warrant the effort).
Give me data that proves I'm wrong and I will make larger sizes…
im not taking swipes at your logic or data. im just griping that i cant fit myself into your shirts. i suppose this should have gone in the "griping" forum. but i will say that most shirts i see with a Pit to pit of 24-25" typically falls under a XXL size. but i don't have much access to Japanese clothing brands. and i know you cant make shirts for the few of us who want them in a larger cut. you are after all in the business of making money as well as making indestructible clothing.
I understand your gripe @Matty123 but honestly Iron Heart is the most "western friendly" japanese brand that I am aware of in terms of fit.
@Matty123 if you are local to an Iron Heart vendor, maybe trying a shirt on might change your mind . . . or prove your point.
The work shirts do tend to be roomier & from time to time some shirts are freakishly big (none come to mind at the moment but will edit when I think of one).
Oh & sorry if I'm just throwing salt in the wound
Now on to my question of the week
Can someone point me in the direction of some nice suspenders that won't look weird with work pants/jeans (I know subjective)? I'm not sure why (besides wanting to look like Mork & Gallagher), but I want suspenders for a pair of work pants & maybe a pair of jeans.
please & thanks in advance
where do you guys who live in the states send your IH jeans to get hemmed? Railcar? SelfEdge? any other options? I've never had a pair hemmed before but I've got a few pairs that need it.
where do you guys who live in the states send your IH jeans to get hemmed? Railcar? SelfEdge? any other options? I've never had a pair hemmed before but I've got a few pairs that need it.
I like to use Blue in Green. Very fast and they have always done a good job.
I'm located on the east coast, so maybe that's why I get them done and back so fast. I'm hesitant to use anyone else now due to having to wait.
Thanks @Giles. Just what I was looking for
Thanks for the input @yinzer.
my main concern is that I want the thread color to match the original IH thread. It may sound like a silly detail but it's important to me.