Random questions to which you seek an answer
i scored a flathead wabash so i'm good with dots.
cord isn't my thing & i would feel way retro if i put on cord anything.
not a fan of IHD-01. it's nice but i have my mister freedom deck that i'm rocking out with.
to be honest i'm look at my three choices & my closet & think they are the best pick-ups for me in relation to what i already have.
i was allowed to come of injured reserve if i go easy
so i'm going easy
ah IHD-01.
ok i mix it all up
great choices. really like the chambrays as well . . .
time will tell
Denim work jacket
IHSH-20 in grey check
Aero/IH FQHH Vest -
Download DVDFab Passkey - you just run it and you can play ALL DVDs. It's a wondrous little program!..
Also: it's the other way around… UK = reg2, US = reg1.
Thanks, I'll check that out. And yeah, thanks for pointing out that I got the regions mixed up. Shouldn't have forgotten that the US is #1 and you Eurotrash are #2. Logical, really.
post some pics here [and lets have a look](and lets have a look<br /><br />[url]http://www.ironheart.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=833.45[/url]<br /><br />[quote]<br />Anyone know the best way to repair the pocket entry in an unnoticeable way (from the outside, at least)? It's not terrible right now, but it's worn away enough to be cause for concern.<br />[/quote]) http://www.ironheart.co.uk/forum/index.php?topic=833.45
Anyone know the best way to repair the pocket entry in an unnoticeable way (from the outside, at least)? It's not terrible right now, but it's worn away enough to be cause for concern.
What is the IH code for this shirt? I just pulled the trigger on it at the SE sale:)
IH Mini-Herringbone Summer Shirts
http://www.selfedge.com/shop/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=71&products_id=463 -
great pick-up & lovely for warmer weather
so is it true the japan tour is over???
oh & is it true late august for ihsh-08 re-up????
yawn, okay so here is the link on the Japan World Tour:
& here is the link on IHSH-08 or whatever this is going to be called in it's future appearances:
yawn, weekend over already
Can somebody please recommend a stylish, good quality (smaller) flashlight to carry on a key clip?
The Preon series is pretty popular for a keychain light