Random questions to which you seek an answer
Please cam you point me to it @mclaincausey
I'll check later, thanks so much
I got two random questions…
Anyone know about how many man hours it takes to make a pair of IH jeans?
Do you think IH will ever try and use Zimbabwe cotton to make denim? The long staple american cotton is great, soft for the weight. Just curious if the Zim is longer/softer and a possibility in IH future?
Love my IH loomstate. But my fiancee won't let me was them due to the butt/crotch pop due to being stiff and shifting of the denim.
Anyone know a way to soften the denim up without affecting the look on the outside?
I know one answer will be, wear them out, but I am guessing that will be months before they soften up that much.
Anyone? Thanks
I do squats personally. Sets the creases and breaks in the denim.
Guess I'll have to starting doing 500 squats a day then… Ha.
Hey, is there anyone who can CNC plate stainless steel? I want to commission a run of 5-10 of these:
Anyone else interested in one of these would be welcome to join.
I would buy one if they could get their act together and sell them.
That safely makes 5, though more would surely decrease cost per unit. Is there a preference on the type of stone used? We have a pretty sizable stone, tile, and masonry outfitter that would be ideal for sourcing such. Dimensions? With proper info, could have an estimate per unit pretty swiftly
I'd be in for one for sure, I've been delaying purchasing a steel as I've been waiting for them to put this one out
@jdl1279 can you price it for 20 units just to get a feel?
@jdl1279 can you price it for 20 units just to get a feel?
No problem, but need to nail down some specs to do so. Size? stone? There's likely to be quite a variance in cost across the options that would be available. Do we want to be able to separate the steel and stone for cleaning purposes?
@jdl1279 can you price it for 20 units just to get a feel?
No problem, but need to nail down some specs to do so. Size? stone? There's likely to be quite a variance in cost across the options that would be available. Do we want to be able to separate the steel and stone for cleaning purposes?
It's a 16- by 14- by 3/8ths-inch slab of stainless steel, the reverse is polished and has a groove milled in it to trap grease. I'd radius the corners. That's pretty much it.
Thanks man! The pictures in the article should help convey the design to the maker.