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@jdl1279 can you price it for 20 units just to get a feel?
No problem, but need to nail down some specs to do so. Size? stone? There's likely to be quite a variance in cost across the options that would be available. Do we want to be able to separate the steel and stone for cleaning purposes?
It's a 16- by 14- by 3/8ths-inch slab of stainless steel, the reverse is polished and has a groove milled in it to trap grease. I'd radius the corners. That's pretty much it.
Thanks man! The pictures in the article should help convey the design to the maker.
It shouldn't be stainless steel- the Baking Steel folks use low carbon A36 structural steel plate. I'm no metallurgist, but I think that's more porous, which makes it possible to season it like cast iron, which you can't do with stainless steel. It would be good to sandblast some texture onto it, too.
I'd be interested, if it works out.
Any Deadheads in here? I'd love to get my hands on some good recordings. I used to have a bunch of cassettes but they got lost over the years and I'm left with a collection that feels very sterile, if that makes any sense. Anyone want to trade some shows?
Are you familiar with Archive.org? https://archive.org/details/GratefulDead
Pretty much unless you want to burn CDs or have files on a device of soundboard recordings, that's all you need. Most shows, even Bertha soundboards, stream fine (and there are mobile apps) and you can download any non-SBD show in FLAC, SHN, ogg, MP3, etc.
Any time–if I could get my massive archive organized I'd trade away
So regarding the griddle / baking steel, my buddy is negotiating with a shop in Minneapolis, they're under $700 for 20 and he thinks he can work it down further. If we wanted them plasma cut it adds a couple hundred, but that seems wholly unnecessary to me. @jdl1279 please keep plugging away on your end and we'll get the best deal and then figure out payment.
It would be good to sandblast some texture onto it, too.
Noooooo!!!!! The reason why old cast iron is so sought out these days is because they sanded out the texture from the casting, leaving it super smooth. That's why grandma's cast iron is like teflon, and your eggs stick to your five year old Lodge. These guys make heirloom quality cast iron for example, with smooth cooking surface http://store.finexusa.com/finex-12-cast-iron-skillet/
Are you familiar with Archive.org? https://archive.org/details/GratefulDead
This is awesome. Thanks again.