Random questions to which you seek an answer
With all of the love for quality durable goods around here, I thought this would be a good area to put this forward and gauge possible desire. We all love heirloom pieces, from denim we're willing to put extra into for repairs to boots that can be completely rebuilt from the ground up.
Sneakers however have been one of my least favorite areas, as for the most part, they are an item that are considered disposable. Made to be essentially worn through and replaced semi frequently.
This has actually kept me from purchasing sneakers unless I can get them at an absolute steal. This has also led me to look at design and evaluate the viability of a rebuildable option.
In my search I find such could certainly be achieved but am curious if such might peak others interest as well? If there were such products available are there certain options functionally or aesthetically that would put such over into the must have category?
I have my own ideas on the topic and truly am considering trying to create something that fits this category. I'm just trying to get a feel for what a potential audience would look for.
The problem with sneaks is they seem to use vulcanization or glue instead of welted or stitched down construction. They've emphasized flexibility over rebuildability. I'm not sure a welted sneaker would still be a sneaker.
What I'm considering would utilize stitch down construction and for the most wouldn't stray far from the traditional Cons/Flyers aesthetic. The soles themselves would be Vibram, albeit similar to those on the aforementioned sneakers. I have looked enough into the idea to know it achievable. The questions are, would anyone have interest, and is there anything that might be considered must haves in such a venture?
Yeah I have but it's on Vodafone haven't got round to unlocking it yet if that's any good to you
Hmm @Madame Buttonfly may be interested. Thanks
@jdl1279 take a look at Hender Scheme. They do all-leather replicas of trainers and sneakers.
I saw them at the Up There Store here in Melbourne, and online at Haven. Google also pointed me at MAAS & Stacks and Blue Button.
Unfortunately they start at about $800. Fortunately for my wallet they top out at a US 11, which is about three sizes too small.
@Madame Buttonfly if you're after a cheap mobile, and willing to turn to the Dark Side, then the Moto G is a good option. The unlocked 3G version is £149, and 4G comes in at a tenner more!
I like those but would still consider trying my hand at producing some if I thought it viable. I would like something that any cobbler or shoe repair shop with access to Vibram soles could easily do a swap on. Uppers could realistically be leather, raw canvas, or raw denim. I may try my hand at a personal pair for the hell of it
Quick question. Why do they have extra stitch work to some shirts?
The chain stitch runoff? Some would say there's no reason for it at all.
There's also the overlock stitch runoff on the thermals… on the sleeve cuffs those are annoying
Thanks, figured it was a little weird.