Craft Works - Let's Get Creative!
thanks guys.
finally work is done.
Dude, that's gorgeous.
It really is.
I think it´s time to leave a comment.
It takes a long time from the idea to the final result and I´m very happy with that.
I can´t await to get this beauty in my hands and I really pray to god that it will fit me.
It was nice to see, how the jacked grows and i´ll miss to discuss with Jan about the details, pocket design, thread colour, buttons and so on.
I really have to thank Jan for putting so much love in this project. He is such a nice guy and it was always fun to talk and write with him. Maybe money can´t pay the time and passion he puts in.
…...and I really pray to god that it will fit me.
....there is no need, because it fits me, so it will fit you, that's for sure!
in this case agoodbad thing. -
Amazing! Off to go get my Schmidt shirt off the line.
I have to say Mr. Schmidt is a wonderful guy. The shirt he made me is so damn beautiful. I gave it another wash today 3rd to be exact. Honestly one of my favorite denim shirts I own. Now onto that Schmidt jacket….I want one badly...the pockets remind me of the jackknife denim jacket by Ande Whall which is one of my favorites. I hope Jan is willing to make some more?
First off, super big thank you to Jii
I asked him to make me a natural leather NATO style watch band. This was his first time trying this style. He, obviously, hit it out of the park.
I was bummed at first because the strap was slightly too thick but I shaved it down a bit and fits great now. I guess the band opening on my Maratac watch is a bit slim.Thanks again Jii!
Very nice
great work Jii & as is the uwm great photos
Jii expect incoming pms about more of those straps
nietenhosen i'm late on this but incredible attention to detail & make up on such a classic piece
Love that strap and my Schmidt shirt. I have a western but next year I might have to get another.
great work Jii & as is the uwm great photos
nietenhosen i'm late on this but incredible attention to detail & make up on such a classic piece
+1mio awesome