American Football (NFL)
The Giants beat Green Bay in London and The Jets crush Miami…Did Hell freeze over?
I love seeing Aaron Rodgers take an L. Atlus Shrugged lmao
Our Dynamic Duo @Matt and @Twistlock move onto Week 6 with their picks of Buffalo and the 49ers. Only explanation I have is that the Football Gods must’ve thought I was still playing and had picked Green Bay. Good luck in week 6!
@Oaktavia Watt had a surprise knee surgery so looks like he is out indefinitely.
Close one for my Chiefs…I think maybe they were looking forward a bit. I think they should be worried…Bills look the best of any team I’ve watched so far.
@Matt @Oaktavia I got to watch the Ravens Sunday night. They are easy to root for and I’d pay money to see Lamar play. Plus they look all business and mean af in the all blacks.
Thank Christ.
yeah, thought he was gonna Harbaugh up this game too
and the Iggles are unbeaten. The mind reels.
He definitely got some “feedback” from the higher ups. And they won by 3. Take the points, win the game. I’ve had enough of cute.
Thought the officiating in The Chiefs game was horrible. Felt like the Refs knew they blew that roughing the passer call and gave them everything else in the second half. The Chiefs came out kind of flat and the Raiders totally had them,not sure why the changed what they were doing,especially since it was working. The Chiefs play the Bills and then the 49ERs. Could very easily be 4-3 after that.
I'll take NFL officiating seriously when they get a better rulebook* and hire full-time professional referees. It's the easiest sport to manipulate with officiating because there are so few plays and each play is so consequential, and there are so many judgment calls.
So, the cost of incompetent officials can be very high in terms of damaging the integrity of the game. Make them full-time employees and subject to constant assessment. Make it a lucrative gig that will attract the best and brightest instead of a job some lawyer does off the side of his desk.
- McLain's select Listing of dumb rules:
"Complete the catch" is weird to me. If you have control of the ball in bounds, I don't care if the ball pops out when you hit the ground, in the same way that the league considers a ball breaking the plane in a runner's control to be a touchdown regardless of what happens after–it's inconsistent, confusing, arbitrary, and opens the door to needless controversy
Defensive pass interference spot foul. Especially when some prayer is thrown from beyond midfield into the end zone and the offense is awarded the ball at the 1. The could make it 15 yards like they do in college, or a spot foul under some conditions with half the distance to the goal under others... I understand disincentivizing a beaten defender from just wrapping up a receiver, but there are plenty of better ways to adjudicate that foul
Fumble through the end zone awards possession and a touchback to a defense that didn't do anything to secure possession, as they must do in every other turnover scenario I can think of. I could think of superior alternatives to this, like awarding the fumbling team the ball at midfield or the 20 or whatever or treating it like a penalty like a kickoff going out of bounds
Preferential treatment of WR in PI rules. The WR already has the advantage of knowing where they are going--PI rules should be completely 50/50 between defenders and receivers instead of disadvantaging the defender. I get that the league wants big plays so I at least understand the rationale
The review system is dumb AF. Why is it the head coach's job to keep the officials in line? Just review every play. If they can do it in the final 2 minutes they can do it the whole game. Making coaches responsible for this introduces dumb shit like limiting the number of challenges and tying them to times out. The whole game-within-a-game they created here is really lame IMO, and it's so much simpler to just review it all and accept responsibility for the league's job of officiating the game instead of burdening the coaching staff with it
Spotting should not be done by human beings. Every moment of every game is shot from many angles and computers can give exact spots (including determining TDs). Failing that, you could use RFID tags in the ball or something
OT rules are terrible. College does better here, though for the NFL I might start the offenses at the 50. Or maybe home team determines where the ball gets spotted and visiting team who gets it to start OT. That a coin flip can win a game without one of the teams even touching the ball is shit, and the correlation between coin flips and OT wins demonstrates there is a problem here
When you get penalized, say, 15 yards inside the 5 yard line, it's half the distance to the goal, but they don't move the marker for the first down out to make it an actual 15 yard penalty
Offsetting penalties = do-overs, even if one is trivial and the other extreme. Net the difference of the fouls under appropriate circumstances (e.g., defensive holding vs offensive personal foul = 10 yard net penalty to offense and either repeat or loss of down)
Two feet in bounds for a reception. Literally no reason for it, especially when a knee, shin, or forearm is enough. Sure, you can argue that it makes for more skillful catches, but it's inconsistent and arbitrary
Hey, other football, I can fix you too. Have you ever heard of a penalty box?
All really great ideas/suggestions. Don’t know how anyone bets on football.
I agree @mclaincausey that was a nice, precise read and I appreciate you typing all of that out.