American Football (NFL)
I don't have much to give and I'm not in it to get and sell. I want to be able to wear it.
Me too. He is just being a dick and trying to use scare tactics. Shit ain't leaving my closet.
Let's see yours…
C'mon bro…
I deleted that image. It has no place here.
Sup El?
AHAHHAHAHAHA, lando quick to the edit
i was just keeding!!!!!
AHAHHAHAHAHA, lando quick to the edit
i was just keeding!!!!!
Sad thing is you have that image in your photobucket or whatever you use.
I don't have much to give and I'm not in it to get and sell. I want to be able to wear it.
Me too. He is just being a dick and trying to use scare tactics. Shit ain't leaving my closet.
It ain't working. SanFranciso fans don't bitch out. I guess he didn't know that
AHAHHAHAHAHA, lando quick to the edit
i was just keeding!!!!!
Sad thing is you have that image in your photobucket or whatever you use.
it was from the last time me and derek hung out
you little b@stard. size small? i am taking lando's gear out of spite. i am a mean & spiteful man, none of that sh!t can fit me. i admire he puts his gear were his big mouth is. you not so much so at the moment. come on put up so i can take your gear & see if it fits my wife or my son. the best part is she won't appreciate it & will make fun of it (like she makes fun of me & the entire forum) saying this is the shirt from the pocket posse & a bunch of other stuff much too vulgar for me to type
*J-IV all love, if you take offense to any of the above go change your red & gold panty liners
serious i'll modify & not pick on you anymore
wait, what image?
i was posting you b@stards i missed it. oh & i'm not trying to scare, just soo happens you guys are easy to intimidate when a real G steps in the building
get it G, like Big Blue, HAhahahahahaha
Big Blue all day & just holding it down for NY in general, the mother-rap!ng-rotten-apple. where boys come to become men & where you can see the streets paved with broken dreams & discarded hopes. i'm a cold, callous, bastard & call this place home & rep my city down to the amazing Mets & Knicks.
you little b@stard. size small? i am taking lando's gear out of spite. i am a mean & spiteful man, none of that sh!t can fit me. i admire he puts his gear were his big mouth is. you not so much so at the moment. come on put up so i can take your gear & see if it fits my wife or my son. the best part is she won't appreciate it & will make fun of it (like she makes fun of me & the entire forum) saying this is the shirt from the pocket posse & a bunch of other stuff much too vulgar for me to type
*J-IV all love, if you take offense to any of the above go change your red & gold panty liners
serious i'll modify & not pick on you anymore
Hahaha, none taken. Honestly, I worked real hard for my purchases and I'm not the kind of person to gamble like this. But it's all for the fun and excitement of the game I've waited so long for. So my only wager would be that shirt. And hey, its not like I can get any of your shirts either. Say they do win, I'm not about to give my friends some gear worn by the MADMonday. They ain't cool enough
i'm a cold, callous, bastard & call this place home & rep my city down to the amazing Mets & Knicks.
This coming from a fair weathered fan who rocks a yankees cap. Fuck outta here.
not happening for a minute (which for me means in a few days :D) got family obligations, just actually putting up old photos while waiting for this game to be over
Not a problem. I know what my new gear looks like. So it is a bet right? Just want it document here even though I know you are a man of your word.
been rocking a yank's cap b4 hova, & no fair weather fan, check my posts, i ride or die for NY & all the stupid sh!t our teams & folks do. go to the video tape & see, the proof is in the text under user name madmonday
it's not a bet it is a promise, so you want me to drive over to your end & do a pick-up of the goods in a few? i mean it is a forgone conclusion
it's not a bet it is a promise, so you want me to drive over to your end & do a drop off of the goods in a few? i mean it is a forgone conclusion
Sure thing!
All you schmucks PMing MM for my wares, save your energy and time. I'l be stuntin' all over BK in MM's old gear.
been rocking a yank's cap b4 hova, & no fair weather fan, check my posts, i ride or die for NY
Rooting for the Yankees (and Lakers, for that manner) is like rooting for the House when you are playing poker or black jack. 'nuff said.
let me go through my old posts & pull up my rooting for agenda. 1st i'm really not a sports dude, however, i have a son & he's into it, so like a good dad i'm into it as well. i have ALWAYS rep'ed NY teams no matter where i was. just hard wired into me. from the Reggie Jackson days of the yanks up to the present. i am far from fair weather & just a rider. i know pain in supporting the frecking knicks with an incredible center like pat ewing with no rings, bad knees, & just a puddle of sweat to show for his hard work. the amazing mets that always start out well enough but almost always end up under .500.
real talk i am not really getting what your point is dep? if you are saying i'm fair weather fan i hope i put that to rest, if you are saying something else i'm all ears.
Has the dust settled yet?
I felt like I was entering into an arena when I went on this thread. Has it been converted back to it's good old state?And I like your call on Ewing, MadMonday. One of the greatest centers that ever played the game. His fade away shots make the centers nowadays looks like bullies on the court with no skill.(NBA thread, anyone?!)
This coming from a fair weathered fan who rocks a yankees cap. Fuck outta here.
Calm down folks. I was only poking at Monday. I know he is a NYer through and through. The bet is on, tomorrow is the game, and the winner of whatever goods will take their loot. What they do with it is up to them. Now, either make a bet of your own or talk about NFL. All love. And yeah Knicks used to be my number 2. I was more of a Mason fan myself. Back to it…. NINERS!!!!!!!!!