American Football (NFL)
Has the dust settled yet?
I felt like I was entering into an arena when I went on this thread. Has it been converted back to it's good old state?And I like your call on Ewing, MadMonday. One of the greatest centers that ever played the game. His fade away shots make the centers nowadays looks like bullies on the court with no skill.(NBA thread, anyone?!)
This coming from a fair weathered fan who rocks a yankees cap. Fuck outta here.
Calm down folks. I was only poking at Monday. I know he is a NYer through and through. The bet is on, tomorrow is the game, and the winner of whatever goods will take their loot. What they do with it is up to them. Now, either make a bet of your own or talk about NFL. All love. And yeah Knicks used to be my number 2. I was more of a Mason fan myself. Back to it…. NINERS!!!!!!!!!
was a good f^cking poke, got my agent orange acting all up, my eye twitching & that vein in my head throbbing
& mason was my dude as well, now he was a true bully
wait, what is this thread HahahahEha
real talk i am not really getting what your point is dep? if you are saying i'm fair weather fan i hope i put that to rest, if you are saying something else i'm all ears.
i'm saying something to the effect that now a days, teams with huge amounts of money, such as the yanks and lakers, are the equiv. to the big guy in a fight. i get the home town mentality, so i don't trip about that, and i never questioned you as being a fair weather fan either. i think i quoted too much, i didn't delete after the "before hova" part. No worries tho, as is being seen now, money can't win them all. that said…
no, i just wanted to change it up, all this talk about new york and san francisco made me feel like i was listening to two foodies debate about michelin guide books "best hybrid cuisine" category. i honestly do not care who wins between either of the games, though i do take joy in seeing both the joy of my friends when their team wins, and the agony of my other friends when their team loses. hahaha. i am indifferent.
just had a nightmare about 2002. having a brew and some henny to chase that thought back to the corners of my mind.
you football folks should know
i forgot about your trifecta
i had anxiety once i placed the wager
what you didn't see my post about my nightmare, HahahahEha
but i'm a strong believer in put up or shut up. i was actually trying to up the wager, i want his 3 IHW-01 (grey, black & blue) that would make it sooo worth it to me.
*probably for the best that it didn't go that route