Random Announcements
I know buddy feijoada is awesome we have a big Latin Community here in Zurich so they let me in to their culture back at that time. Very enjoyable. I ate the traditional feijoada in Rio its almost ten years ago hmm have to go back once. But luckyli we have s traditional Brasil Restaurant in Zurich and its extremely good.
Would be interested in the US Version too miam
First production site on my product's new Web platform launched today. All the struggles last night to get here paid off, not to mention the year+ of R&D. Very pleased!
Thanks guys. We will still be in beta for some time, but it's a solid, usable HTML5 app and they loved it versus the old version. Looking to do big things with this platform in the future!
About average for a Jeep, isn't it?
What's the replacement going to be?
Nissans are bad ass
Say otherwise G and I will get Pam to headbutt you in in the shin next time she see's you.
Not whatever I just rented… Man that thing was soulless and sluggish. Lots of body roll, zero oomph.
Now that Skyline GT-R I saw on the curb the other day is another story...
X-post with Vulcans thread:
Folks, August 23rd is VULCANALIA (google it - that's how I found out about it).
As such, I was thinking it would be cool if we all wear our Vulcans on that day, and maybe even uploaded pics to show what we are up to.
Just a bit of silliness really….but why not, eh!