Random Announcements
Mate, stay on the Portsmouth side of the water as there are some right weirdo's on the other side of the ferry crossing, including some loon who flies around the town in a massive Land Rover wearing a wet suit and randomly berating passers by…..his wife is lovely though
Duly noted! Normally said individuals take my money too :-).
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some loon who flies around the town in a massive Land Rover wearing a wet suit and randomly berating passers by…..his wife is lovely though
I forgot I told you that I'd insured the Land Rover for @Winchy
It really fills me with joy to see those little pants. What a stunningly kind gesture.
some loon who flies around the town in a massive Land Rover wearing a wet suit and randomly berating passers by…..his wife is lovely though
I forgot I told you that I'd insured the Land Rover for @Winchy
And the wet suit….
cheer tommy
It's a completely unnecessary soak after being delivered, but Tommy had seen Gav doing it in a pair of Raws, so was not going to be dissuaded…..
Do we talk about the 21oz denim?
I have two 634s pairs, the first pair did not get a soak, the second pair got a soak. I have to say the second pair lasts longer, no ripped threads, pocket bags are still intact, and the denim fades slowly and nicely. Maybe it's just me, but I think Tommy did everything right with the soak. -
In my innocence, I thought swimming would miraculously make me fit. Imagine my disappointment when I started to hurt, and for weeks on end, dared not swim.
I had an MRI last week. @Madame Buttonfly and I went for the prognosis tonight. Yes, not only do (did) I have a deformity of the toes, I have a deformity of the spine. Interestingly enough, related issues.
In my neck I have 3 fused cervical vertebrae. This basically means my neck is nowhere as mobile as it should be (and, as my darling wife says, makes me look like a tortoise) and the swimming has effectively exposed the problem.
Expert advice. Take a couple of Nurofen before you swim and a couple a few hours later. Which is 100% fine with me. Now I know what the issue is, I can stop worrying and get on with swimming etc etc…..