IHSH-277-IND - 9oz Selvedge Ombré Check Work Shirt - Indigo
And… [mention]RoxRocks86 [/mention]pics capture it perfectly! Wow!
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Lmfao this attempt is blasphemous but @Denimminer we’re all trying to summon you to the 277 side
mine should be here today –-- this shirt is looking amazing on everyone!!!!
I wanted this, from the moment I saw it. Problem is, I have 3 IH non-UHF flannels, 2 of them(138-yellow, 170) are rarely worn, and 1(246) I'm in the process of destroying at work. For some reason, I just don't reach for them, like the UHFs. I've worried this will suffer the same fate. I've held off, hoping they'd all sell out, before caving. I made it through the IHUK sell off. But, alas, I have caved. I just grabbed one from SOP. Even if I hadn't, I doubt I would've resisted long enough to outlast Selfedge stock. Hopefully this a game changer for me…
Hehe… I wonder how fast I placed my order, I only saw that the site was down after I had placed mine. It’s waiting for me back in CA (I’m in Denver right now)
Congrats @waXology what an amazing shirt to start with. I’m fairly new to IH myself but think it’s safe to say there’s not really any going back once you’ve dipped your toes.
Everyone is looking seriously bodacious in the 277. Think this might be the best IH shirt, and therefore shirt in general, that I’ve seen. Knowing one is on the way is making this a much less painful experience than if I’d have slept on it.
Congrats @waXology what an amazing shirt to start with. I’m fairly new to IH myself but think it’s safe to say there’s not really any going back once you’ve dipped your toes.
Everyone is looking seriously bodacious in the 277. Think this might be the best IH shirt, and therefore shirt in general, that I’ve seen. Knowing one is on the way is making this a much less painful experience than if I’d have slept on it.
Thanks mate, not sure how it's taken me this long to jump on board to be honest. Looking forward to wearing this for a long time. I'll do a YT vid of my thoughts in the coming week or so too.
Loving this forum too, everyone is so damn nice!
^ the new shirt is slightly too big. But I am going to give it a hot wash and see what happens. I also already moved the buttons on the cuffs to close them up about 3/4 of an inch since that picture yesterday. I'd rather it be too big than too tight. I hadn't counted on losing so much weight recently.
For me I think it was not drinking "diet" crystal light lemon iced tea. I was drinking like a gallon of it a day. Also I stopped eating huge dinners every night and opting for a small meal and maybe a bowl of cereal before bed if I get the munchies. I also don't drink too much alcohol, only every once and a while. And try to drink a lot of water. Sugar and sugar substitutes are really bad for you imho. My diet is still like high fat and carbs but I just don't eat as much. Being constantly depressed helps my appetite too.
My friend is a sugar junkie and I keep telling her you might be young and thin now but it will catch up to you eventually. She just rolls her eyes or ignores me.
It's in the dryer on nuclear rn
Lmfao this attempt is blasphemous but @Denimminer we’re all trying to summon you to the 277 side
So I washed the shirt on hot on a long cycle, and ran it through the dryer for an hour on extra high heat. It definitely shrunk. Like the sleeves are definitely shorter now. So mission accomplished. It will be nice to have a shirt I don't have to baby and only wash in cold water and hang dry for once. This is the largest proportion IH shirt I've owned. (Which is good).
I had to iron the collar and all the hems because they were all rolled up and puckered.
There was a minimal amount of indigo loss. The dark part no longer appears black. But it still looks great.