SS21 collection: First reactions, top three items….
If people buy it then it gets made and Giles will stock it. They definitely moved slowly last time around, but I do think the growth of the brand in the US over the last few years will be a decisive factor here, so the time seems right to try again.
As for being thankful for IH, I feel you. Yes it costs money, and can be a serious drain on the finances, but I too appreciate being able to buy and wear clothing that works for my climate and lifestyle, that become a fixture in my life. It adds a whole new layer of meaningfulness to the prosaic activity of buying clothes and getting dressed in the morning.
Well said, @neph93 !
1. IH 888 SST
2. IH 888 SST
3. IH 888 SST -
The turquoise fleece CPO
The black fleece CPO
The 888 SST
Of course right after I bought another pair of regular 888 21oz…
I need to go hit the axlotl tanks and grow more clones so I can actually wear all the stuff I want, brb.
Had to sleep on this a bit
1. IHJ-97-GRN Dig the green color a lot. Looks like a chill piece that could get a lot of wear
2. IHSH-284-IND Wabash is a fever that only more Wabash can cure
3. IH-555-SST We all know H is a genius & I have faith my range of motion will be restored
2. IHSH-284-IND Wabash is a fever that only more Wabash can cure
I may need to use that in the future…. genius.
As for the SST... keep the faith alive and it will be repaid.
The SS21 collection has been revealed and it is big and bold. Lots to choose from, including a slew of new items, and reconfigured classics.
What are your reactions to the collection as a whole? If you could only choose three items what would they be?
My top three:
1. IH-666-SSTThe idea of having the 666 in the dimensions intended and actually being able to get into them makes me so very happy.
2. IHV-40-BRN
I have the IHV-08 beach vest and it is one of my favourite pieces of all time. Pimping it with leather patch pockets makes buying another one an easy choice.
3. IHSH-276-IND
Just brilliant. A beautiful, beautiful shirt.
So I ended up not buying any of these
The 276 went too quickly, the IHV-40 and the IH-666-SST are both still very real possibilities however. Bought a load of other stuff too 🥰
New thread for the F/W going up shortly.