he's 80. see him now.
I think I’m going to try and go to the Memphis show in April at the Orpheum. Saw Wilco there a looong time ago and it was a great venue. I’ve never seen Dylan and I just can’t pass up the chance. His latest album basically got me through most of the early pandemic.
Matt, I’m with you about Spotify but it’s such a damn good app. I’m gonna hate leaving it [emoji22]
I may have been at that Wilco show @SKT ; have had some great memories (and blank spots where memories should be) at that venue and in that town.
I've seen Dylan shows where he was kind of a mess, and I've seen Dylan shows where he was Dylan. Right now he and his band are reliably firing on all cylinders, and I agree that the new material is excellent. I will reiterate to anyone who is listening to catch him while you can, and I'll add that the way this tour is going, disappointment is highly unlikely, even for skeptics.
@popvulture Love Steve Gunn, both his solo work and Gunn-Truscinski duo. Time Off is my favorite album of his. I find his different work to be easily identifiable with the label that released it: 3Lobed, Paradise of Bachelors and now Matador but as you say maintaining his distinct sound.
This record came out last year but I'm finally getting around to giving it a good listen. Love SG, and how he seems to really maintain his musical signatures, but each album tends to be a nice evolution.
Oh boy… rabbit hole. This guy is fricken incredible! The duo too. My ears are going to be quite busy.
I’ve probably listened to Jake Xerxes Fussell more than any other artist since his self titled album released in 2015, which was masterfully produced by William Tyler.
Jake released his 4th album last week ‘Good and Green Again.’
This quote from Will Oldham/BPB resonates “As long as Jake Fussell is making records and playing shows, there is ample cause for optimism in this world.”
@Kirk yes! I really like JXF, haven’t heard all of it but I’ve very much enjoyed what I have.
Been a Steve Gunn fan for quite a while, but I think I’ve especially fallen in love with his last few records. I think Eyes on the Lines or The Unseen In-Between are my faves.
Marisa Anderson is another person in this world I’ve been digging a lot lately. Great shit.
Been listening to this all morning. Got the record when it came out in 1989 and somewhat liked it, but also found it a bit average. Now, with the distance 30+ years I think it‘s absolutely worth listening. Really like Ian Astbury‘s voice (sometimes reminds me of Jim Morrison) and Billy Duffy‘s riffs. And there is even Iggy Pop involved (on NYC).
Give it a try …
They are great. Electric and Danzig were out around the same time both with Rubin on board and a nice clean sound and are just ass-kicking rockers. They seemed to get more metal and glam and less post-punk and goth as they evolved, and I loved it all. Even their more recent stuff is good (at least Born Into This).
Met Ian after a show after one of their break-ups with his then-new project. Very nice man and I love his voice; at times reminding me Jim Morrison and others Glenn Danzig. Really one of my favorite rock singers.
I've always loved those guys. So good. I feel like it'd be remiss not to mention Ian's insane getups from the early days. One of my buddies sent me this recently, marveling over it… "3/4 of the band looks like Love & Rockets sort of standard post-punk style, but then completed by some white-wizard pirate."
And although this song's a classic, my fave is the rockier Rubin stuff.
@mclaincausey @popvulture I had completely forgotten that Rubin produced Electric. Makes sense now that I listen to it again. Straight up and clean Rock ‘n Roll. Love it.
And the “white-wizard pirate” description is right on