IH-777-XHSBB - 25oz Selvedge Denim Super-Slim Tapered Cut Jeans - Black/Black
Is there a measurement that stays the most consistent in the xhs denim? Waist, rise, knee, thigh?
holy cow, the 38s are nearly a perfect fit for me!
Is there a measurement that stays the most consistent in the xhs denim? Waist, rise, knee, thigh?
Every measurement shrinks proportionate to its total length. Normally that is around 3-6% depending on the level of sanforisation. If a 36” waist shrinks 1” then a 12” thigh will shrink around 0.3” and so on.
@neph93 I guess I could've worded a bit better, more in the context of making the actual measurements tables. I know of the waist variations but does the same variations apply to the knee, thigh , both rises, and hem or are those able to stay more uniform?
Nope. The 25oz denim is the hardest denim we make to actually sew. So variation happens in all areas because the seamstresses are having to wrestle the fabric through the machines…And because they are not machines themselves not 2 pairs will be exactly the same....
…now that's interesting to know and makes sense.
Half an inch in waist shrinkage will get me to just about what I bought my 555s at.
. Note of caution… I hot soaked,washed and put them into a hot drier,and I don’t feel as if I got any shrinkage. Feels as if the waist might have stretched since I’ve been wearing them.
Half an inch in waist shrinkage will get me to just about what I bought my 555s at.
. Note of caution… I hot soaked,washed and put them into a hot drier,and I don’t feel as if I got any shrinkage. Feels as if the waist might have stretched since I’ve been wearing them.
Stretch or no stretch that 38.1 is pretty much what my 555-01od measure out to after some wear.
If there are some variances I'll probably ask for a pair with a little more on the rises.
Tag size 34 with a measured 35 waist ( thanks @graham ).
Jeans now drip Drying after 30 degree wash with liquid soap prior to posting back to IHUK for hemming.
Knackered, need to go for a lie down. Just turning these jeans inside out and back again, prior to and after washing is like a full body workout. Needed to get my foot on to the waist band to give myself enough purchase to turn the trousers inside out
Me too, even though my pair might be arriving tomorrow.
Before a hot soak, fit looks nearly perfect.