IHSN-02-BLK - 21oz Denim High-Top Sneakers - Black
@pechelman this is the info from the product page (extinct will be back soon!)
"Note: These equate closer to UK shoe sizing than US shoe sizing
AJ wears UK Size 7 in Converse and UK Size 7 in IHSN-02-BLK" -
@pechelman this is the info from the product page (extinct will be back soon!)
"Note: These equate closer to UK shoe sizing than US shoe sizing
AJ wears UK Size 7 in Converse and UK Size 7 in IHSN-02-BLK"Will the product be made again or the extint page will be made available?
I see that these have restocked on the Iron Heart Japan site. Will IHUK be getting these as well or is the restock Japan only?
Even I saw a post of Haraki flashing his third pair. Would be interested to know if IH UK will be getting these?
I’d definitely be down for a pair. Even tried to order off the Japan site but no international shipping. @Giles if you guys can get them from Japan I’d take a pair or two. Hopefully you guys will get some!
Even I saw a post of Haraki flashing his third pair. Would be interested to know if IH UK will be getting these?
We have no plans to rerun these at the moment. None available in Japan, either. Sorry
Today was a good day
How did you make it happen?
@the246guy I picked them up off of eBay!
will these ever make a come back???
@fatmike71 never say never but there is no plans in the works to re-make them