After a long while, picked these up from SOP. There is a lovely mix-up(?) on the patch that made me chuckle.
Great collaboration!
After a long while, picked these up from SOP. There is a lovely mix-up(?) on the patch that made me chuckle.
Great collaboration!
What would a very hot wash/dry do to this one? The L looks slightly large on paper, and am wondering if nuking might do the trick?
is there any timeline for a restock on this one?
I have just picked up a pair of these wonderful jeans and have a question on hemming. I believe that the overdue process will take out all the shrink - do I need to give them a soak/wash prior to hemming, or is it fine to hem them off the bat?
I wanted to get some opinions on the merits of these compared to 777-SBG. I am partial to the 777 fit, owning a pair of 777Ns, so I know I want to go down that road.
This leaves me open to the 777S-142-OD, the 777-21S-OD, the SOP/Berkely 777-SBG.
I own a pair of 555-SBG - I love the fading of the SBG as well as the comfort of the fabric - so I am familiar with those.
How does the OD evolve compared to the SBG, and what do people think of this lighter weight denim compared to the 21 OZ, both in OD and SBG?
Thanks a lot!
Nervously anticipating 2nd date today [emoji38]
Great (I presume) UHF - do you recall the number?
What do people think about the feel of this denim vs the 21-oz in the 777-21? Similar softness, breatheability, etc? I have a pair of 21-oz (IHxB01)and 18-oz (633SII), but no experience with this 17-oz.
Any idea when these will be restocked?
Thanks a lot! I will check out the 555-03.
How much roomier (and where?) is the 8301 compared to the 555? I don't see the 301 listed on the fit page.
Appreciate the help! I am a very happy owner of 633SII which I have in a 31 - I assume the 555-03 would be a similar size. is that correct?
Does anyone know if IH would ever release a lighter-weight SBG in a similar cut? Say, a 555, 777, or 301?
I think a 14- or even 18-oz SBG slim cut would be really interesting…
Hello. I am wondering if anyone who has a pair of these also happens to have a pair of PBJ Xx-013 - and if so broadly how the two compare fit-wise? I am a 32 in the PBJ with no issues at all.