Posts made by TJ
RE: Motorcycles
Thanks, guys.
Joe, the road gods demand their tribute. I've put a ton of miles on that thing in the last year. It needed a change, anyway. I've already introduced frame to sawzall…
RE: Motorcycles
Sorry about your crash, TJ! How did it happen? Did it mess up a lot of stuff or just the girder? Hopefully the Invader is still ok!
I hit a huge expansion joint on the freeway while I was leaned over a little bit. Nasty tank-slapper pulled the bars out of my hands and I went over the top.
Almost everything forward of the neck is toast. The Invader was rad, but they're just too damned fragile. I welded that one back together twice, and this time some spokes bent and one actually cracked open. Back to 9-spoke mags for me. They don't look very cool, but they can take a beating.
RE: Repairs & Modifications
Any recommendations? I'm going to fix them up myself because I'm stubborn like that, but wondering if there might be any tricks of which I am ignorant.
By the way, only damage from a 65-70 mph motorcycle wreck. IH is the shit.
RE: Motorcycles
Womp womp. The worst part is that I wasn't even getting radical when I stacked it up. This is my second freeway crash in IH gear with essentially no road-rash.
RE: Our Cars (dream or actual)
Picked up a new whip
1969 GMC 1500, 307 with a 4 speed. Very little on this truck is original, or even there for that matter, so I'm gonna get to have a lot of fun with this one. I've got it driving reliably around town for now. Wiring, body work, suspension, bed outfit, paint… Should be done quickly, right?
RE: 2013 Edition - Iron Heart & Triple Works edition WAYWT
Not wearing it today, but my official uniform for a week and a half in Sturgis was my 555-03s and a Levi's vest.
I'm gonna try to get some good shots of my 555s before I wash them today. Damn things took a crash or two and a whole lot of partying unlike any clothing I've ever owned.
RE: Motorcycles
Nate, big ups! Killer shuv!
I haven't been around much because I've spent some killer time on the road lately. Thought y'all might enjoy some of these:
120 miles out from Salt Lake City
:<br />[img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/983618_10100838730254747_1400240069_n.jpg/[img]<br /><br />Fixing a wheelie-broken front wheel on a Mexican beach:<br />[img]https://sphotos-a-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/945946_10100849989316497_1668880154_n.jpg/[img]<br /><br />Colorado Cruising:<br />[img]https://sphotos-a-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc3/1069141_10100900316809797_604712389_n.jpg[/img]<br /><br />Badlands, South Dakota:<br />[img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/1098415_10100937558177797_1483369892_n.jpg[/img]<br /><br />Riding to a Machine Head/Mastodon/Rob Zombie concert (and some really fun kinds of intoxication) in Sturgis, SD:<br />[img]https://sphotos-a-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/998583_10100945714512437_1119316015_n.jpg[/img]<br /><br />[img]https://sphotos-a-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/947049_10201285742284439_2059789031_n.jpg[/img][/img][/img][/img][/img][/img]) -
RE: Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?
SBG or black duck tool rolls would be pretty bitchin'.
RE: IHSH-64 - Extra Heavy Jersey Western Sweat Shirt
Anyone else getting a little bit of evo on their 64? I've notice some lightening of the fabric along the inside of my forearms. I think I've worn this shirt more than any other this past winter and I have no regrets about buying this beauty!
Yup. I'm getting some around the cuffs, pocket flaps, and seams.
RE: 2013 Edition - Iron Heart & Triple Works edition WAYWT
Depalma flannel
Doc Engineers -
RE: Motorcycles
Yep, '69 frame with a '73 XLCH motor. I got the hardtail on the frame and the motor mounted to start mocking the rest of the bike up yesterday, I'll have to get some good pictures of it later.
RE: Random Announcements
I don't think wearing IH increases fertility as much as it just increases your chances of getting laid.
RE: Motorcycles
People always want to start wrapping up by the manifold end for some reason. Some tips if you've never done it before: soak the wrap in water for a little while, start at the tail end of the pipe (or as close to the tail end as you want the wrap to go), and wear gloves.
RE: Motorcycles
Definitely looks likes a fun little thumper. And clean enough to eat off of, too.
Don't know if you care or not, but your pipe was wrapped backwards. It could possibly try to unravel itself with the overlaps facing forward. It's not really any kind of big deal, but a pet-peeve of mine…