IHM-01 - Deck Jacket
The snaps on the pockets may be a small detail but they are very important to me. I'm very happy to see them.
[[img width=640 height=547]http://i988.photobucket.com/albums/af7/ironheart634S/new basic/IHM-01-1.jpg
in case any of you missed it. so much better than i thought it would be. wonder if anyone is going to get this & just waterproof it themselves?
it looks really, really good. love that inside pocket. if I hadn't have bought a BR N1 last year I'd be in the queue for sure.
that sounds like a nice project in your capable hands jaco. too be honest it really shouldn't be too much troublei would of put pictures of the pre-production model as well, just for comparison sake (& i don't mean to come off any more snobbish than usual), but i've noticed folks read a lot less than i thought they do & it would of been a flood of questions about which & it just would have been messy.
i'm mad all the time cause i expect too freckin' much . . . okay, that is my unsolicited rant in the wrong thread for the morning
do it jaco & if you can please document
This thread haunts my dreams. FML
This thread haunts my dreams. FML
Tell me about it Lando, still don't know if I've made the right decision. :-\
And Mondays talk of self waterproofing isn't helping me
This thread haunts my dreams. FML
Tell me about it Lando, still don't know if I've made the right decision. :-\
And Mondays talk of self waterproofing isn't helping me
The only thing stopping me from this is the fact that I own the MF Deck Jacket and it has the speed clasps. I am much more partial to the Black but atm it just doesn't make sense for me. Can't have it all is what I keep telling myself…
good god that is amazing.
you can always pull a Ruedi ..just put the jacket in a plastic bag if it starts raining…
I've kind of taken this suggestion on board, in reverse. As I usually carry a duffle or backpack with me, I have purchased a back-up North Face shell jacket, which I can carry in case of rain
Can't stop staring at the pictures of the production version. I've been offered a MF Deck jacket at basically half price ($450), but this just looks so good