Pocketknives/Kitchen Knives/Fixed Blades
Not just that, but the "tests" aren't even valid. Why would you baton logs like that? Because you don't have an axe or a saw handy? How the hell would you have logs in the first place then?!? And whacking a sharp knife like that is asking for an accident.
These videos are for people with no real experience working with their knives
One of my friends got me this knife as a present. Fucking badass knife.
DPx HEST w/Micarta handle
Anyone have any feedback on the HEST 2.0 folder?
Every so often I either witness or am the first responder to a motor vehicle accident or some kind of accident. Was looking for any multitool that would be super reliable. I am trying to look for something that has a glass breaker, a blade and safety cutter that can easily shred open seat belts or clothing.
Was looking at a benchmade auto triage as an option but open to suggestions.
Brother seul, hope you can help me out
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I was looking for something for one of the compartments in my vehicle for emergency purposes. As a nurse according to the Good Samaritan act its one of my duties to act accordingly in a situation. Every second counts in these matters and if stowing something small in my vehicle like a rescue tool… Whether it be a first aid kit or an ambu bag.... It all helps. Sometimes it takes a ridiculous amount of time for paramedics to arrive to the location... If they can find it. Situations like that.... Whether you take the initiative or not, you can be that difference.
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act accordingly is the key, part of that duty is to not to engage in activities above your level of expertise, you open yourself to liability and you could hurt someone, such as extracting someone with a neck injury
first aid supplies, even a bag or shield or trauma kit is one thing, but tools to break glass or cut belts to extract a victim is another level that I would not advise, but of course only you can be the judge -
Actually, a Good Samaritan law does not require you to act in an emergency situation. Instead, it shields you from civil liability in a lawsuit brought by the injured party. This type of law is designed to encourage people to render assistance without fear of being sued for any harm that may arise from their aid. It is not an affirmative duty to render assistance. If I remember correctly, there are only two states in the US that do have a legal requirement to do so- Minnesota and one of the New England states, Vermont or New Hampshire, perhaps. Since you live in New York, (you are in NY, right?) that doesn't apply.
Of course, having said that, you may feel a moral obligation to help victims of an accident, which is entirely commendable.
Ok, so I recently saw a pic of a Curtiss Nano (posted by anaesthetist I think), and whilst I'd really like one, I was wondering how similar the Boker Nano is? I know the designer of both is the same, but the Boker is at a nice entry-level price point, plus I'm saving my pennies for a Mnandi
Any thoughts?
The scales on my Wilkins-gripped Griptilian have been wreaking havoc on my pocket lining, so I've switched to EDC my Dragonfly G10 and I quite like small-bladed knives for a change. I actually just ordered the Böker Nano thanks to the pics of the Curtiss that were posted here :). I doubt it will live up to the quality of the Dragonfly which really is an amazing knife, but then again it's half the price..