IHxBxHCx25oz - 25oz Limited Edition Beatle Buster
Thanks again for the measurments, Rafa. I wasn't really a fan of the stealth arcs until I now that see them on - it's a really clean look.
I must be crazy for sizing down in these… but I really love a slimmer cut, and I'll make that waist my bitch. Time will tell how stupid I am for this, but I think the fit will be stellar in 2 weeks once they've had some room to breathe and move where I want them to. Can't wait to get mine, but I think they're still sitting in the UK. Crossing my fingers for next week!
As many tats and needles as you've had, you can handle a pair of jeans man!!
true that sir! definetly no where nearly as painful as my head or palm tattoos!
raf- been having issues viewing your photos lately. might just be me though
check again and let me know mate
edited my post a page back!
nice relaxed fit there wearoften…though I'd really like to see your 8months wear on the devils!
yea i refreshed and all good in the hood brotha
aight then
Getting my bike ready for the first ride of the season. Maiden voyage for the MBBs.
Get at least the waist of the jean damp with water and put them on buttoned up… Then proceed to moving as much as possible to add stress and get the waist out to size...
Hot soaked mine in the tub last night. Hottest water out of the tap. Hung them outside in the sun to dry. Got a full inch shrinkage in length
Exactly the same here. A full inch in the inseam and about half an inch in the waist.