Random Announcements
Folks, I just picked up some Cat's Paw Twin Gripper Half Soles (http://www.ebay.com/itm/5-Pair-Mens-Cats-Paw-Twin-Gripper-Half-Soles-w-box-Size-17-19-12-Iron-Neutral-/231015291186?_trksid=p2047675.l2557&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEWNX%3AIT&nma=true&si=3bWqPEpIhPHOHVHD7SU8%252FheCXCw%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc).
I don't understand the way sizing works but I think they're big (planning on having them cut down). I don't need all of them. I probably could stand to share 3/5 pairs I bought. PM me if you're interested. I only expect shipping to be covered.
A friend of mine sent me an email while he was visiting Tokyo asking for info and tips about buying some japanese denim (of which he had heard from me but was otherwise not at all into previously). I wrote him back a message with "the short version" about the basics and the basic brands and addresses to some of the shops - and the warning that it "might" get a bit addictive - and expensive (to which he gave the good old "well one pair is ok I guess since I'm here"-answer
The next day he sends me an sms with a pic of a Studio D'artisan bag (turned out he had bought a pair of jeans, a belt, a hat and a wallet). A couple of days later I get a pic of a pair of IH634s'. Apparently he got a pair for his teenaged son as well.
Two more converts
Been a bit naughty today. Picked up a pair of lee 101 13.5oz lht raw. But at £77 was hard not to.
Temperature down to 26, time to bring back the MBB's.
I'm honestly so stoked for the 634N. I need some natural indigo in my life. Really hoping that they fade similarly to ohhenry's pair
45 minute layover at O'Hare?
Challenge (foolishly) accepted.
Tommy is sat at the side of me and he just asked if Chris' avatar was a picture of Giles
I have no idea what that means
I thought it was the beard myself, when I explained it was Chis' picture he asked why Chris had put a picture of himself in the bath on the forum. I explained that (much like daddy), Chris could only dream of being so hairy.
Baked beans are beloved hither and yon. Y'all love the Heinz variety yes? Southern Americans love another form of them with barbecue. Some Texans do pintos, quite nice.
Chris could only dream of being so hairy.
It is one of life's great ironies that my scalp is the only part of me that isn't covered in hair.
Baked beans are beloved hither and yon. Y'all love the Heinz variety yes? Southern Americans love another form of them with barbecue. Some Texans do pintos, quite nice.
Was involved with a brasilian girl once and yes those beans are lovely. Still love the kitchen (and the people of course)