Anyone here play video games?
Anyone play Catherine, shadows of the damned or lollipop chainsaw. I love Atlus and Suda 51 but haven't played a Suda 51 game since No More Heroes. Really looking forward to the "Killer Is Dead"
"Obstacles are stepping-stones That guide us to our goals"
Catherine was a fantastic game. Played it almost obsessively when it came out to see all the different endings.
Suda is one of my favorite designers and I can't wait for Killer is Dead. That being said I really didn't enjoy Lollipop chainsaw. The gameplay just didn't hook me like his other games normally do…
Farcry 3 - any fans?..
great game, It didnt win any awards for a great story but they game play is fun.
RE: mass effect 3. Biggest disappointment in the history of video games in my opinion. they shit the bed ending the series on that note.
Anyone play Catherine, shadows of the damned or lollipop chainsaw. I love Atlus and Suda 51 but haven't played a Suda 51 game since No More Heroes. Really looking forward to the "Killer Is Dead"
"Obstacles are stepping-stones That guide us to our goals"
Killer 7, no more heroes 1 and 2, shadows of the damned, lollipop chainsaw are surreal masterpieces, I'm waiting with baited breath for the end of August. Suda 51 has never disappointed me
Dude it's no longer a cute pig when it goes feral; butcher that boar!
A domestic pig in the wild is a boar in the making. They adapt incredibly, that little cutie will bear tusks, bristles, and a nasty demeanor within months.
I got one
Only have New Super Mario Bros U and Nintendoland. Can't wait for Pikmin 3 and new Smash Bros.
Sounds good to me comes out August 4th