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Here is the video for the Viberg x The Flat Head Collab
8" Engineer, Black CXL
IH-666S -
Thanks Snowy. During the video shoot a duck swam up to us a wanted food about a couple minutes after that was shot. Wish the footage came out better I would have added it into the video. The duck kept its distance as if it didn't want to on camera. Hehe
Can anyone walk me through how to take care of rough out leather?
Packed with my Vibergs was a jar of heavy duty leather preservative. It's a beeswax-esque substance.
Applying it to the boots with my fingers, my boots now have splotchy dark patches across each boot, more or less entirely coated.
Do I now just wait for them to dry for a certain time?
I read that you can use a hairdryer on them now, and then go over them with a wire brush.
Does that sound about right?
I asked this a while back and the accord was to leave em be. Since you already dubbed em, try this: