Reddit - Ask me Anything (AMA)
I will be doing an AMA starting at 12 noon Eastern time on Monday 13th January in /r/rawdenim
It is likely to be sub reddited in /r/denim and /r/malefashionadvice
I think this is going to create a lot of sales and forum membership volume. Very exciting for IH.
Can you post a link to the announcement when it happens so we can upvote it?
That's a great question. Personally I would be aggressive with it, because it's good for customers and prospects to have a chance to learn more about IH. Thanks for doing this!
Thanks to you and snowy for keeping the pressure up on me to get off my arse and do it. I think that it'll be bloody hard work for the hours we are doing it, but I suspect extremely beneficial. reddit already is our second highest referrer, but we don't figure nearly as high enough on their radar as I would like to….Time to change that.
It will be a ton of work, no question, and I suspect there will be lingering work after the AMA (new forum members and sales/sales inquiries perhaps!). I'm not sure how I could help, but if you think of something I can help with let me know.
Ah, also I think they will "sticky" the AMA in the rawdenim subreddit, I'd try to make sure they do. They did it with Kyle from TFH's AMA so why not?
I knew they would, so happy to hear that!
It will be a ton of work, no question, and I suspect there will be lingering work after the AMA (new forum members and sales/sales inquiries perhaps!). I'm not sure how I could help, but if you think of something I can help with let me know.
Thanks mcl, not sure either. I'll probably think of a million things I need help with, too late…..
I don't see any harm send out a message on FB/Twitter before the AMA letting all know it's happening. A bit like letting us know here.
The AMA is a bit like Uncle Giles arranging a lovely evening of stories around the campfire, filled with audience participation and co-creation. Many will enjoy turning up just to heard (in this case read) how it transpires. Forums are a little less times/dates/reply expectations uncertain.
I'm just going to keep asking about when Spring 14 products will be released. I think I know the answer already…
Ah, here's the announcement, pinned to the rawdenim subreddit. I can tell the moderator is very excited by his comments, this is terrific.
This is a correct assumption, and membership isn't required in order to do so. I or someone else will undoubtedly post a link to the AMA when it is live.