some extremists say that wearing leads to fades, …pahhh.
others, the bit moderate minded ones, swear that a ocean-wash would do the trick, ....zzhhhe.
that's all nice but only folklore. here is the real deal, BELIEVE!ladies and gentleman, please give a warm welcome to:
eat the street
what's your secret? -
I take a belt sander to mine in areas that would be high stress if I were more active/mobile. Then I lightly spritz a solution of hydrochloric acid and then hand wash in a bath of lye. Dry flat and say 13 Hail Marys over the freshly killed corpse of a rooster.
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Great work.
Yeah TAA is da shit
I was laughing audibly and scaring cube mates when I read this.
one of u's please fix for me
epic fail putting that in here
Wow! What the flipping hell is wrong with people?? Just wear the fuckin things. If they dont look "cool" enough for you then you are prob too damn lazy. Get up off your ass and do something active. Excercise & sic fades…...what a concept
Just got around to watching that video, seriously WTF ?!?!