The 2014 FIFA World Cup
With all due respect 501, you wouldn't find it dour as you have a vested interest. I think on the whole the game has been quite dirty with not much quality football, but you find this with many cup finals.
The best team of the tournament won, no arguments there.
Don't think it was my "vested interest". This was an even game, with very many unfulfilled chances. High respect for Argentina.
And pure joy now for our guys. Fireworks are going off here….
GERMANY = World Champion 2014 ! -
Enjoy your night dude, and congratulations
Congrats Germany! Best team won the tourney and they did it playing the game beautifully.
I'm proud of team USA for playing them to such a tight result as they did.
Woooooorld Champion!!!!
Four Stars!!! Feck you all!!! -
It was tough watching Messi win the Boot. I didn't think he deserved it, but more importantly it clearly was such an empty honor for him at that time.
Sorry I can't oblige with a party, Snowy, but I can offer an impression of last nights atmosphere on Berlin's Kurfürstendamm, the city's main boulevard in the western part. It was 2.30 am, and the streets were full of honking cars, with flag-clad people in them, on them, leaning out of them. All other traffic didn't have any chance, night bus traffic was suspended. On the sidewalks, few people had no flags or fan outfits. It was full like at rush hour, and apart from very few jingoistic outbursts (there are a few idiots among all people, Germany making, alas, no exception) it was a most merry, joy- and cheerful celebration. I had to grin all the time.
What I find most satisfying is the degree of agreement that the German team was a deserving winner. They had their weak appearances to be sure, which team didn't? But the altogether performance was consistently strong, and it was clearly a "one for all" team effort, a genuine one. When Mario Götze, the very guy who scored the sole goal, had a jersey with the name of Marco Reus with him for the big champion foto, who had to cancel his participation at shortest notice due to an injury, that told the whole story beautifully.
Now back to daily life…..the big do at the fan mile tomorrow when the team will have returned from Brazil I'll watch in the media like all of you interested parties far away. It was an exciting tournament full of vivid exchange here.....and I just love the happy ending.
The recent emptiness of this thread is sad.