Random Love (anti-rants)
All the best to you three!
Congratulations to you and your family @Hereforthebeer
Congrats and enjoy @Hereforthebeer
My partner and I had our first baby
Congrats bro!!!! Hope you're all doing well
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That's great, all the best!
Congratulations @Hereforthebeer and welcome to the world little man.
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@Hereforthebeer CONGRATULATION my denim brother. "Bub" is a little corker of a little man. Wishing all three of you well today, tomorrow and for the rest of your lives
Cheers everyone!
Very proud Dad here, thanks for you kind words!
congrats @Hereforthebeer got 2 be careful with those lil' IPAs, but at least he's not a stout, porter or dunkel . . . . that would of been weird in the delivery room.
Congratulations @Hereforthebeer! Bonny wee fella.
Thanks guys
I have snorkelled and scuba dived for a long long time. I have always wanted to get a decent sighting of a Manta Ray, prior to the Maldives this year I had caught a glimpse of the receding arse of two.
Last but one day of my last holiday I went snorkelling with a German guy i had hooked up with. I did not take my camera with me (of course !!) that day. Luckily Ralf did.
Five minutes into the snorkel this guy turned up and circled us for 5 minutes hoovering up plankton…. Ralf sent me this photo today....