Random Love (anti-rants)
@Hereforthebeer CONGRATULATION my denim brother. "Bub" is a little corker of a little man. Wishing all three of you well today, tomorrow and for the rest of your lives
Cheers everyone!
Very proud Dad here, thanks for you kind words!
congrats @Hereforthebeer got 2 be careful with those lil' IPAs, but at least he's not a stout, porter or dunkel . . . . that would of been weird in the delivery room.
Congratulations @Hereforthebeer! Bonny wee fella.
Thanks guys
I have snorkelled and scuba dived for a long long time. I have always wanted to get a decent sighting of a Manta Ray, prior to the Maldives this year I had caught a glimpse of the receding arse of two.
Last but one day of my last holiday I went snorkelling with a German guy i had hooked up with. I did not take my camera with me (of course !!) that day. Luckily Ralf did.
Five minutes into the snorkel this guy turned up and circled us for 5 minutes hoovering up plankton…. Ralf sent me this photo today....
Wow, that is an awesome and beautiful beast
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Saw a gigantic one in the Bahamas years ago. Got the fuck away from it as fast as I could. My buddy told me that they're non threatening to humans, to which I responded with "until they find the first Chinese kid in it's belly"
Yup, city boy over here, I don't do non domesticated animals
My buddy told me that they're non threatening to humans
Yep, that's what Steve Irwin said, too.
Wasn't that a stingray versus a manta ray? And wasn't he jamming his thumb in its asshole?
Last but one day of my last holiday I went snorkelling with a German guy i had hooked up with. I did not take my camera with me (of course !!) that day.
Does MmB know you're hooking up with random germans on your holiday, and not taking pictures? Sounds like you just put your foot in it ::)