2015 Spring/Summer Pipeline
I received the IHSH-109 today, my first Iron Heart flannel and loving it!! I can understand why some people start collecting them in different colors. Which got me thinking:
Giles, wondering if you've previously entertained the idea of a bright yellow & black buffalo check flannel? If not, and now that I've presented this idea to you, what do you think of it? Might we see a checkered bumble bee shirt in 2016?
(or autumn 2015?
It's a no from me too.
Black/Orange would be cool…
^ This, got a feeling that H would like it too
Black/Dark Brown
I could see mustard and black, orange and black, or brown and black. Bright yellow would be a no go for me.
Yellow/black and orange/black doesn't sound that appealing to me.
Dark brown/black could be a winner.
Grey base with blood orange pattern, maybe? Or the reverse… May either look great or awful, I think.
Um, no.
There are about 20 other color ways I would buy first before a yellow/black one.
How about another grey/black and blue/black first? You've already had the red 20/72/109, might as well rerun the other two fucking amazing color ways.
I'm extremely surprised there hasn't been an orange/black "Harley" color way yet.
I’d buy any of these:
hunter green/black
dark grey/light grey
Green/white/black -
Very light grey, normal grey, and charcoal triple colorway would be pretty crazy, buffalo or otherwise.
I'd be all over grey/grey or grey/grey/grey.
So I really like grey… so what?