2015 Fall/Winter Pipeline
cool, colors folks have been asking for. hombre & the indigo dye got my attention
Blue hombre UHF is the winner for me, incredible.
Dam I got some tough decisions to make this winter.
What Mega said. Although the black and grey buffalo check is sweet as well, and so is the left indigo thing..
^ Backed ^
That blue hombre in particular looks uber sweet.
Yep, if I can't lay hands on an hombre in that colour I'll be sending Tommy to live with the Padmores for month in retribution
Green Buffalo Check and the blue Ombre
Is that orange or red? I want either way.
When will these hombres reach our world?
This will be an expensive year. -
Hombre-fest….Same weight and construction as Buffalo's...
Is that orange or red? I want either way.
There are some numeric values above the swatch so that you could get the exact color but I don't know what system they use. Definitely not RGB, I tried it
Are the buffalos the same check width as the 20's and 72's?
Hombre-fest….Same weight and construction as Buffalo's...
Is that orange or red? I want either way.
There are some numeric values above the swatch so that you could get the exact color but I don't know what system they use. Definitely not RGB, I tried it
Pretty sure it's red because the darker color looks like a deep red/burgundy which wouldn't make sense with orange. My best guess at least.