And finally my progress on this jeans has seen my from the army to the workforce and back to school. They've been to multiple countries and even see my start a family.
To kick it off, the denim associated trips:
Thailand, Pronto Denim Carnival 2013
Take 5 Taiwan. Got asked for a photoshoot of the jeans for their blog.
Then Holidaying in taiwan with the fam,
The wife and boy visiting in perth,
The boy's first birthday!
And some fun times at sea
That's all for now guys! Till the next DWC…. Lastly, The passing of the baton:
Ok, here's some of my favourite pics from the last 2 years in these amazing pants.
Day 1
First fit pics
original cuffs
first challenge
pre first wash
my youngest daughter turned 10 months old this day
snowstorm update pic, around one year in.
family vacation to the interior of Vancouver Island
^ attempting to take pics of these guys buzzing around, I failed, but got one when they stopped moving
my oldest daughter on a boat heading into the Pacific ocean on the windiest day ever
pulled this out of the lake that she was standing on the edge of ^
Anniversary in the woods
The crotch area is the only place that had any work done to it over the two years. The bright yellow thread is some hand stitching I did to reenforce that area. You can see a could thin areas that need to be taken care of but this area and a couple where my pants swish is the only real damage
Wow two years has been a long time, here is my favorite pictures/moments through the last couple years. I've done so much more, but I take so few pictures, I really should do more
April 13 - It all started here: Cape Cod, MA
July 13 - That didn't last long, moved to: Baltimore, MD
Nov 13 - On vacation somewhere out west in the middle of no where
First time in Seattle, WA
2nd largest bonzi garden just south of Seattle, WA
Seattle coast, big drift wood, my dog and faithful companion through it all
Hoh Rainforest, one of the few temperate rainforests in the world
Dec 13 - My friends beach house in Cali
Fire in MN in December at my friends cabin
View of the vally from my friends cabin in MN
Dec 13 - Christmas eve, it's snowing
More snow
Last vikings game in the Metrodome with my father
Jan 14 - More snow in MN
Sunset in Montanna on Vacation
Bridgerbowl Ski Resort in Montanna parking lot
Bridgerbowl Ski Resort
April 14 - Back at it in Baltimore, MD (I was taking the picture, not me in it)
Airplanes fly
Oct 14 - My sister was pregant with her first child, I decided to make him a quilt
Nov 14 - There is a reason little old ladies make quilts, they have nothing but time.
I think the only concert I saw in those two years - Trevor Hall (I went to the syphony once, no pics though)
Dec 14 - Quilt done, wow they take a lot of time. I hand stitched the entire thing, hand pieced, hand quilted, hand everything, it never touched a machine, turned out pretty good.
Jan/Feb 15 - Vacation - Friends house in Cali
Friends place in Mexico
A place to buy tequila in Mexico, the place was 95%+ tequila, it was probably the single greatest store I've visted in my life (I love tequila, I got away with only buying 8 bottles, which I thought was good)
April 15 - The kid and the quilt
And we are done, been a great two years.
This thread is set up for the sole purpose of contestants submitting their final images of their worn denim for judging, please do not post comments in this thread as cluttering may complicate the judging process.
IH-555-03I'm sorry I haven't post in ages. This is the current state of my IH-555-03. I've washed them in the bathtub like 3 times and send them twice to The Works for crotch and flyloop repairs (Top notch service as I suspected). I couldn't wear them as much during weekdays because of my fecking job and to be completely honest because I have another 2 pairs in rotation (these are my favoritesthough). Still plenty of life in them which I guess is a positive thing, right? (just trying to consolate myself after checking out the state of some other contestants' jeans).
HWDC Challenges Round 7
HC-SF-92 Steelfeathers 21oz 2 soaks and 1 washWell i thought i had this beat, then I moved to cairns and 21oz won. These have hung in the wardrobe for most of the last year. Still plenty of life left, when I move on to a cooler place I am sure these will see the light.
Final submission from contestant number HC-IH-72
IH Megabusters, size 35
Super heavy categoryI have really enjoyed these jeans for the last two years. One initial soak and three or four washes. They have had a few crotch repairs, one hem reinforcement and new stitches for the top buttonhole.
Also a few pictures from the one year mark, taken just before their first wash:
The category winners of the HWDC2 will be announced tomorrow, Heavyweight and Super Heavyweight. The Champion will be announced on June 1st.
HWDC2 Category Winners Announcement
It’s been a great couple of years of competition and shared experience. The results seen and the fun had by all those who have stuck with the contest to the end have made it so worthwhile and I don’t think that it is an exaggeration to say that this contest has seen some of the most stunning worn denim produced anywhere, by anyone, which is what this is all about.
We started out with around 250 competitors and through natural attrition, loss of interest, change in personal circumstance and life in general we finished with 27 final submissions. Whilst this may not sound like a lot in comparison to how we began it is about as many as I expected. A denim contest begins with enthusiasm from all, but to actually commit yourself to one pair of jeans for a full two years is quite difficult for some, we have to supress our natural desires to buy more and different, and then spend time wearing our new purchases, this is where I struggle personally.
Those who did make it through this 24 month endurance contest I think we can all agree provided everyone spectating with some fantastic moments of voyeuristic denim pleasure in their adventures and evolution. Everyone who crossed the finish line deserves a debt of thanks from the rest of us who followed their journey, such dedication is rare, such shared dedication is almost unheard of.
The judges have been studying the final submissions for almost a month now, and it has been far from easy. The judging actually went through to a second round when no clear winner was determined by the first official votes, but we are finally in a position to announce, without further delay, the category winners of the Heavyweight World Denim Championships Round 2.
The winners will be decided for both the Heavyweight and Super Heavyweight categories, with both competitors being put through to the final judging stage to be crowned the Grand Champion of the HWDC2, this will be announced on June 1st .
**The category Champions of the Heavyweight Denim Contest Round 2 are…..
Heavyweight Champion – Cander49
Super Heavyweight Champion – Fanya**
Honourable mentions must go to the following guys who also scored very high in the judging, and forced it to a second round.
Max Power
Tong SF
El Toro
SlowitchuThank you everyone for your support, and allowing us to share your last 2 years with you.