2016 - Spring/Summer Pipeline
Lenim : denim for the workers
Greenback denim
Greenback denim
I like that
I now know more…
IHSH-137 - 9oz Herringbone Western Shirt - Both colours. Early/Mid March
IHSH-138 - 6oz Hombre Work Shirt - Both colours. Early/Mid March
IHSH-16OmWestern - 6oz Hombre Western Shirt - Yellow. Early/Mid AprilComplete the form if you want an email when they hit…
Is 9 oz similar to the 70/86 fabric or lighter?
The green hombre is just available as a workshirt? No green western?
good god….more cool shit.
It nevers stops.
Early/mid spring/summer?
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IHSH-137 - 9oz Herringbone Western Shirt - Both colours. Early/Mid March
IHSH-138 - 6oz Hombre Work Shirt - Both colours. Early/Mid March
IHSH-16OmWestern - 6oz Hombre Western Shirt - Yellow. Early/Mid AprilDr. Babyhorse…is this what you are wondering about?
Oops. Yes. I must have seen it before it was edited. Thanks.
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