IHSH-101-TG - Turquoise/Grey Ultra Heavy Cotton Flannel Western Shirt
Discounted to €199 (various sizes still available)…
yep i love this colour too. I couldn't believe how many of these were left on sale in the IH shop
I think that had a lot to do with the re-call of the original run and subsequent re-release. The ones that were left were resewn from the first re-called batch. In fact both the initial releases (the aborted one and the second coming) sold out pretty quickly.
@Dishelveled I probably wouldn't buy them for me. But I love your boots. Great outfit man!
Thanks @Filthy25ozJunkie
The boots are rad; Wescos are indestructible.
Its fun trying new combos and I think the 162 edges out the Johnny Cash in this instance…
Just picked one of these up on sale at Self Edge. They still have every size!
You’re welcome!
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Just picked one of these up on sale at Self Edge. They still have every size!
You’re welcome!
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Saw those 2 weeks ago. Good price but not really my color
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Brock thanks for pointing this out, always had it on my radar.
[emoji1360] you bet!
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Love the colour of this shirt…can't believe self edge still have so many in stock, even in an sale
Seriously!! I wanted one of these so bad when they first came out! Think I tried one on two different times at Self Edge. When I saw they were on sale it was a no brainer!
Also picked up another 136 on sale..Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk