Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?
@Giles any plans of maybe doing more half westerns? Do those sell very well?
Can you give me an example of a half-Western? For some reasons I'm thinking of Toshiro Mifune in "Red Sun"…
Check the IHSH-13.
Ihd-01 & Ihd-01.od
An od or duck half western would be kool (as would a half western duck cpo)
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An od or duck half western would be kool (as would a half western duck cpo)
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Cool idea
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While I'm at it, I got my IHTL-1700 today. The fabric is a work of freaking art. So obviously I'd like you to make everything in it (underpants anyone?). But specifically I'd love a sweater with a white body, and raglan arms in a contrast colour as with baseball shirts, but with full length, slim sleeves. I offer you my eternal gratitude in advance.
While I'm at it, I got my IHTL-1700 today. The fabric is a work of freaking art. So obviously I'd like you to make everything in it (underpants anyone?). But specifically I'd love a sweater with a white body, and raglan arms in a contrast colour as with baseball shirts, but with full length, slim sleeves. I offer you my eternal gratitude in advance.
Great idea. I second this.
The duck half Western (blanket lined fingers crossed) CPO please… picking up steam...
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G, have you ever considered a workshirt-shirtjac (Workshirtjac, maybe????)?
I was dreaming about it last night, and then I got here today and see that people are going shirtjac/CPO crazy on this post… Seems like it would have a market for the bigger dudes who prefer to workshirt cuts, and the more full cut would be ideal for things like the lining that everyone is recommending.
Definitely no sewn-on buttons with heavy fabric. Donut buttons from the truckers and trucker vests would work.
But work shirt with snaps tho…