IHJ-35-BLK - Japanese Horsehide Rider’s Jacket - Black (Tea-Core Dyed)
Finally was able to add a j100 to my arsenal. About 2 days of wear.
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I just received my jacket today, and its absolutely gorgeous, but when I was trying it on I couldn't get it back off. The zipper won't move past the bottom and unzip. Anyone have any issues or experience with anything like this? I've tried yanking it from a bunch of different angles, but extremely heavy duty and won't budge. It'll move all the way up no problem.
It looks to me like perhaps the right side is one tooth behind the left side, so they're slightly misaligned.
That happened to me once on a far less substantial lambskin jacket. I was able to force it undone, after a major struggle. I had someone shave the side of one half of the bottom of the zipper to keep it from happening, repeatedly. The zipper has never been the same, and I have to be very careful to make sure it's aligned properly before zipping up.
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Hmmmmm. It looks like perhaps it was not aligned when done up. have you managed to get it it undone/off yet?
Not yet. I've been giving it a shot and putting it down every once in a while. I feel like if I just apply an excessive amount of force it'll come undone, but I'm worried about damaging it, so I haven't done that. I'm wondering if perhaps a tailor would be able to help me out?
Some fit pics
Thumbs up
How did you size?
XXL, which is usually my size in westerns.
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@DrBabyhorse that is a really great fit man! As you know I have the brown version, but have had my eye on the Selfedge version of this one…that black is so stunning!
Thanks guys! @Dstauffer I go to the thread for the brown one about once a day to see your pictures. I'm excited to break this bad boy in.
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@DrBabyhorse Now that's a perfect fit. Nice shine on the leather also.
Great fit @DrBabyhorse ! I also wear XXLs in the Westerns but sized down to XL on this.
@Dstauffer - I have the SE version and I love it, wore it today in fact. Weather is getting warmer though so I'm trying to squeeze in as many days as possible before it starts blazing again.
Hey all, very strongly considering the SE version of this due to their longer arm/body length (which I need and matches the brown IH version of this which fits like a glove). Unfortunately no thread for that jacket so I figured it would be ok to post here.
@summ3rhays and @Manticore I know you both have the SE version, anyone else? Any feedback and pics on the fit anyone could share.
I have one, and I wasn't aware that the SE version was made any longer. In fact, the measurements for my size are actually shorter than the IH version according to Self Edge. It's a great jacket, but I'd choose it for the features rather than any potential difference in length. If that's your main concern though, you could ask for measurements of the longest SE jacket and the last remaining IH jacket and go from there.
And I would add that the IH version has pretty long sleeves.
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