IHJ-53 - Cowhide "One Star" Jacket
Looking forward to some fit pics
Thirded. All the fortunate buyers need to post fit pics.
My dilemma, brilliantly rationalised by The Guardian….
I would have to agree with the article, just wear what you want to wear… This one of the rare occasions where I am actually following my own advice
My dilemma, brilliantly rationalised by The Guardian….
Hadley Freeman is right in this as she is in all things. Eminently sensible human being.
While I know they're not good photos, they are the best selfies I could inspire myself to capture. I took 3 and I'll give you the best 2. 5'11" 185lbs sz xl plenty of the room to move around. This jacket is even nicer than I imagine. Hopefully somebody gets inspired to take a chance on one, I don't think you will be dissaoiinted. In fact I think you'll be very happy!
As taken and zoomed in
Perfect fit Clay! Amazing piece, enjoy it!
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@Dstauffer @neph93 @rocket @Appfaff Thank you all for the kind words. I thought I looked lame in a mirror selfie as usual, but wanted people to be able to see this jacket on. It's an incredible piece and I'm looking forward to the weather cooling down so I can use it a lot.
I thought I looked lame in a mirror selfie as usual, but wanted people to be able to see this jacket on. It's an incredible piece and I'm looking forward to the weather cooling down so I can use it a lot.
I feel your mirror selfie pain as I'm reliant on them myself and they never do any outfit justice. But you did right. Great to see the jacket out in the wild.