IH-888-NT - 21/23oz indigo Selvedge DWC Jeans
Well the 21oz version came in smaller than planned. Sounds like this will do the same.
Ah ha… I see. The shrink test showed .26 inch of shrink in the thigh. Dang I'm gonna have to size up too.
When are these hitting the shores ? Any ETA
Thanks Giles
If so, you can def count me in for the UHR version.
the pre-order for these ended a while back. someone please correct me if im wrong but there may not be any availability after pre-order fulfillment.
i pre-ordered a size 40, however i might need a 42 based on thigh measurements. if i need to up-size to a 42, will i still receive the DWC patch model?
Giles will retailers have access to this model??
Boggles my mind some of the gear that retailers refuse to take.
Well, retailers were not offered the IH-888NT (Kai from Denim Manilla asked me nicely if he could have some, and as I am seeing him in Manilla in a couple of months, I thought I ought to be nice to him
And generally, the UHR does not sell well to retailers, I'd call it a specialist denim and really only sells to people who really know what they're getting into.
Hoping this model comes out closer to the original measurements. Tried on the 888S @ Mildblend and wound up with slightly snug thighs with a slightly loose waist.