First World Problems
Flight cancelled, now we have to spend another day in Tuscany. What a feckin bore…..
How’s the food and wine there? Maybe that can help get you through the day?
Between excellent and off the fucking scale….
i know, i was saying that "tongue in cheek." ive been and its outrageous.
It’s too hot here on Maui to wear my jeans.
here's my first world problem. do I buy:
PS4 slim
SEXIH07IIIBK modified od type3 from Self Edge?
Of course, I want both but arguments could be made for either. The PS4 would be nice to have for those days when I don't have my son with me, and it's been a long time since i've had a new console. The downside is that I don't want my son asking me what it is and getting sucked into video games at his age (he's 4.5 yo).
Likewise, i've been wanting a modified od type3 since I saw the bsp 14oz version at SE but their new 18oz od type3 looks amazing. The downside to the SEXIH07IIIBK is that I wouldn't be able to wear it for 3-4 months.
Jacket will still be awesome long after the console is in a landfill.