IHSH-76 - 17oz Indigo Selvedge Denim Shirt/Jacket
I did not do a machine wash. I soaked it in a 5 gallon bucket with a shit load of Oxy clean powder for 4 or 5 days!
My new cleaning method for my work clothes when I do decide to wash them.
Truth! Every load.
When Benjamin was an infant, he had severe reflux and puked an average of 10-15 times a day (we kept a log). OxyClean was the only thing that kept him from smelling like New Orleans.
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^^ great pic @Appfaff good fit too.
Thanks @matty123 !
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Picked up, and promptly brought to the tailor. Can’t wait to get it back!
@QuantumMechanic what are you getting done to it?
What he said ^