I tried watching the deuce. Couldn’t get into it. I didn’t like Vinyl either. My thoughts are that I know there was coke and hookers And porn in the 70’s USA … Next please.
Have you David Simon fans seen Generation Kill? Best mini series EVER
Have you David Simon fans seen Generation Kill? Best mini series EVER
It was brilliant. Needs re-watching actually.
Have you David Simon fans seen Generation Kill? Best mini series EVER
Yah. It was good and die need rewatching. I used to watch it with a cab of skoal
Stanger Things Season 2 comes out Friday on Netflix.
Stanger Things Season 2 comes out Friday on Netflix.
Looking forward to it! Tbh I’m a bit nervous as Se.1 was so much fun that I’m worried Se.2 won’t measure up.
Yeah I was a fan of treme big time
Starting it tonight dude, although everything will be pushed aside on Friday for Stranger Things S2.
Have you David Simon fans seen Generation Kill? Best mini series EVER
I need to watch this. Loved The Wire
Does ST 1 watch well the second time around? Thinking about crushing it in the next couple of days as a refresher.
I considered this, but will rely on memory so as not to ruin it with second watch syndrome .
Starting it tonight dude
Ep. 2 was fekkin’ brilliant. It’s actually funny af.
Just started Ep. 3, really enjoying it now.
Does ST 1 watch well the second time around? Thinking about crushing it in the next couple of days as a refresher.
I considered this, but will rely on memory so as not to ruin it with second watch syndrome .
Hmmm. I think I'll follow suit.
Stanger Things Season 2 comes out Friday on Netflix.
Looking forward to it! Tbh I’m a bit nervous as Se.1 was so much fun that I’m worried Se.2 won’t measure up.
Always have that feeling when something was so good first time round….Fingers crossed.
I love the opening them and those graphics...