IHV-02DD - Double Indigo Duck Vest
Guys - how does one size a vest?
Knowing how you want it to fit is important. Will you wear it over a tee or a shirt? Do you want belt showing at the front and/or back? With these questions in mind, chest and length are generally the most important features.
EDIT: I have some experience in this area so if you let me know the answers to the above, I’d be happy to help.
Thank you.
My pleasure.
Please note that IH’s workvests have a P2P that sits lower on the body than a tee or shirt so these can seem misleading. As an example I need 57-58cm in a UHF, 52-53cm in a close fitting tee and 51-53cm for a close fitting vest over a tee or henley.
Seeing some recent pics in the Vest Fans thread reminded me that this has been on my want/need list for far too long, so I’ve just ordered
Slightly unsure of how this will fit so I’ve picked both L and XL - my IHV-02 IND is L and snug, whilst both my IHV-09 and IHV-16 are XL and comfortable. -
The only thing that held me back initially was the length and concerns about shrinkage. By the time I worked out my size I’d scored the herringbone vest and a blue Indigofera vest so the need was gone. But you’re right, it would be too bad not to have had one at all…