IHJ-53 - Cowhide "One Star" Jacket
I thought I looked lame in a mirror selfie as usual, but wanted people to be able to see this jacket on. It's an incredible piece and I'm looking forward to the weather cooling down so I can use it a lot.
I feel your mirror selfie pain as I'm reliant on them myself and they never do any outfit justice. But you did right. Great to see the jacket out in the wild.
Holy shit. This is now "the best piece of clothing I've ever owned." Everything about this is so well done. So thick and warm for a leather jacket, such a nice fit, such great details, so soft and wearable despite the thickness… I don't think I could be more impressed unless you guys stitched the thing together with tendons, like that badass shell wallet.
Pics to come.
God damn, I love this jacket.
That is a killer fit. Very happy for you. It is such a badass jacket.
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Looks great, man! What’s most important is the feeling. Are you going to rock in with the mouton collar, or take it off?
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Thanks. 100% with it on. I love the look, and it's just so comfortable.
That is a killer fit. Very happy for you. It is such a badass jacket.
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Thanks, and yeah, so happy with it myself. I wouldn't change a thing about this jacket.
Holy shit. This is "the best piece of clothing I've never owned."
You don't have one? I think you ought to take one of the remaining ones for yourself! If anyone should have one…
Haha, yeah, I believe that. It's literally the perfect leather jacket.
One M left and it's 10% off today. Someone ought to buy! This thing is just wonderful.
That looks like trouble. Great pick up. Can't wait to see more pics.
Hope you had fun @Cfk87 !!
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