Iron Heart Products - What do you think we should make?
A Chambray scarf made from the 6oz organic cotton.
I used to have a chambray scarf that I loved but lost it somewhere. I like a scarf in the winter but find wool ones sometimes to hot.
I’d love to see a collared (non-hoodie) zip-up made with the material used in the heavyweight hoodies…similar to the IHSW-01 but with colors other than navy, indigo, or black.
I’d love a forest green, red, or dark gray.
lightweight indigo/navy wabash stripe work shirt
I'd like to see one in garnet color. -
Very similar idea, but I'd like to see an IH version of this:
I like the idea of a garnet/maroon color, as well as an emerald/forest green, indigo, and the obligatory black.
I mentioned this before but i'd be interested in seeing whipcord being given the overdye treatment. Maybe an overdyed whipcord N1?
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Very similar idea, but I'd like to see an IH version of this:
I like the idea of a garnet/maroon color, as well as an emerald/forest green, indigo, and the obligatory black.
That’s pretty close to what I was thinking, but I could see how interest would be spotty. It seems people love or hate this style. I am interested in this because I love my IH hoodies but sometimes would like to not have the buik of the actual hood. Hence why this tickles my fancy.
Side note AG does put out some solid pieces. Unfortunately the sizing on this particular piece did not work out for me, but I love their classic zip up hoodies, especially the detail of the reinforced elbow.
i did a bit of browsing on ebay last night and saw this soviet winter flight jacket, really like the soviet flavor i think it would be an interesting idea to make a similar jacket with a twisted image on the back like the wild children flight jacket from real mccoy
We did a no hoodie zippered sweat a few years ago….
It sold like crap......(like I almost could not give them away)....
On the basis that it may sell better now, last week I went out to retailers and asked for interest.
I got zero take-up.
Sometimes you have to know when to stop swimming against the tide......
Yep, I can totally see that. In all honesty I almost didn’t voice it because it seems a touch outside of the brand style. In fact, I was pretty surprised to see it has been attempted with the 01. Ah well, plenty of other great things to chose from.
I would love to see a red hoodie make a return in some form or another…