I’ve had the White’s (Hathorn), the Wesco and now the Viberg oxfords. They are all awesome but in terms of quality the Wesco and Viberg are ahead of the White’s (and I say that as someone who considers the SD to be the greatest boot ever made).
Thanks all! Megatron - you hit the trifecta. Viberg was on the list too but quite expensive. I'll give the Wesco's a shot. They don't come in much more expensive than the White's actually.
Definitely a solid choice man, you won’t be disappointed.
@madmonday I was just thinking about you yesterday and wondering if you'd retired again. Then you pop up with an innocent question like you were never gone, you scoundrel
Pic number two is the only correct method. Nice score btw. You pleased?
MM - how ever you like buddy as whatever you choose looks tight / right / perfect
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that looks very tidy.
might give it a go
still here @neph93 only doing part time forum stuff as a retiree and plus when it gets warm i don’t really have much to talk about since my gear is hung up awaiting cooler days
you too kind
I'd go with option A.
I’m with @Chris - I always like my sneakers laced that way.
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I Like option b on the indigo sneakers best
den1mhead's way all the way. In fact I lace all my shoes/sneakers with the laces going inside the eyelets first and then symmetrically up to the knot. It provides better grip and holds your feet much better in place than putting them from the outside which I've experienced quite irritating to wear with any kind of shoes.
666 XHS 25oz
PIHXS 25oz
555-01 21ozAnyone care to weigh in?