IHSH-13-BLU - 10oz Selvedge Chambray Single Yoke Western Shirt - Blue
Does this shirt age and fade?
The warp is reactive dyed, so there will be virtually no colour loss over time
Ladies sizes now available
My wife deserves some IH in her life and the measurements on the Ladies Medium were spot on with another of her "less awesome" shirts that she wears. I had to cop this for her birthday next week.
Nice work…getting the ladies involved is always a good idea!
@madmoses She really likes the shirt…was wearing it today at brunch as an overshirt and I was able to snag a few pics.
Not boxy at all...IMO. She's 5'1 and is wearing Ladies Medium.
Sorry! It's been my go to shirt for my new Instagram modelling career.
There are a few up already @ironheartdenim on IG with a few more decent ones scheduled to post.
I gave it its first wash this weekend, it's currently drying so will definitely report back to see what it's like now post wash.
X-post from WAYWT (the wife).
I'll get more detailed photos as she starts wearing this, as i believe we need more female IH representation.
edit: spelling
I'd be pushing my luck on the 33. This one was a little on the rugged side material wise for her. I'll keep working on it.
@neph93 . Hot Ingrid own/wear any IH gear?
She wore and loved the IH-526L tour jacket when I had it. And occasionally nicks some of my jackets. I bought her a pair of 13.5oz selvedge in a women’s cut made by Livid Jeans (Norwegian Nudie-esqué brand) but she wears them only rarely as she doesn’t like the weight and discomfort share associates with them.
After the tour jacket she let it be known she may go for a type III. I’ll consider it for Xmas…