IHPS-01 - Ultra Heavy Short-Sleeved Polo Shirt
You can definitely look forward to them. If they're too long try to hot wash them first before consulting a tailor.
Do you have experience with them? I know the page says once washed/no shrinkage. They aren't too long, in fact the black fits me perfectly. There is some variation in sizing though as the grey is a good 2 cm wider in the body. So if there was shrinkage to be had I could stand to loose a bit off the bottom for some width shrinkage.
Anyways, sizing issues aside, they are really nice. So cleanly designed and made (I'm thinking of the buttons, collar and ribbed arm especially) and the fabric is really luxurious. Great work IH.
Wore my black in anger for the first time yesterday. I will certainly be wearing mine untucked most of the time, menswear standards be damned. But, they do tuck very nicely as well, if needs be. I'm also going to get my grey taken in a bit. Looks like an easy fix for my seamstress. Really nice alternative to have in the wardrobe.
been living with these for about a year or so and am happy with the construction but my large is a bit too long and my medium a bit too short
washed and dried all sorts of ways and no shrinkage that i can tell and keep their shape
other weird thing is they are heavy and being that i always wear a tee i won’t be able to wear them much longer when out and about
It's a relatively steep purchase for polo shirts, but it's not so outlandish. I just know I want the trifecta, lol
Given the predictable levels of fabric quality and construction, they are totally worth it when you get them in hand.
I'm lucky I don't don't wear much navy and that IH didn't do a white one. Otherwise I'd have three instead of two… ::)
@neph93 are you an XL in westerns? I see you went L on these and the fit looks great. I just copped a black L (normally an XL western) but debating still….
An XL in westerns, yes. Used to be XL closer to XXL now I’m XL closer to L, if you see what I mean.
As you say, I copped a black and grey in L first time round. While the black fit great straight out of the bag the grey was wider in the body so I had it taken in to the width of the black.
Cool, thanks. Think I'll stick with Large then.