I'm excited to see Norway! Great job @sabergirl !
World tour jeans FTW!!! Straight outa North Carolina and all the way to northern Norway.
It’s 18 months since they were last here and they are looking absolutely glorious. The forum does not play. Proper pics with a proper camera later but here are some quick iPhone snaps:
The colour is a little off, the worn areas are whiter than they appear here, but you get the idea.
I think I may take them to FnC in a couple of weeks. The crotch is looking vunerable. Maybe @Giles can throw a few stitches in while I’m there?
Also thank you very much @sabergirl for the little surprise, a pair of coasters upcycled from firehose. Trés cool. They will see action in the course of the next hour or two [emoji1]
Glad to see they arrived safely, @neph93. Can't wait to see what you get into. I'm glad they're going to make it to Fish & Chips! Enjoy the coasters, and use them as often and irresponsibly as possible (which is a total contradiction since coasters scream responsibility, don't they?).
So I’m not planning on doing a daily blog by any means, but I thought I’d take you through the first 24 hours of the jeans’ second visit to Norway by way of an introduction to my neck of the woods.
For those who don’t know I live in Bodø which is capital of the first arctic county in Norway, Nordland. There are two more arctic counties, Troms and Finnmark, even further north. Unlike Sweden where the north of the country is sparsely populated, arctic Norway (everything above the arctic circle) boasts a number of small cities, industry and hundreds of towns and villages at these latitudes.
Bodø has a municipal population of around 50,000, a major hostpital, a University, two high schools, a top tier football team and the strongest «whirlpool» in the world nearby. The last time the jeans were here it was December and they did not see the sun, on account of it not rising in December. On this leg they won’t see a true night as the sun will not fully disappear under the horizon again until the end of July. While I’m sure this sounds appealing to many, it’s worth remembering that this far north, June is essentially a spring month. Only six or seven weeks ago the temps were around zero, the ground was frozen and there was nothing green on the ground or trees. So at the moment there’s a lot of rain, birch pollen and temps between 7-10C.
Yesterday was no exception, piss wet and gloomy. I’ve time-stamped some photos from the living room window to give you an idea of how the light can work while the weather is shite. Excuse the mess, I’m building.
As you can see the last pic taken shortly before midnight is darker but by no means dark. An hour later it started getting lighter again. Hopefully I’ll be able to show you all a true midnight sun later.
Yesterday was otherwise spent watching football and drinking beer while enjoying the jeans and my most excellent new coasters courtesy of the talented @sabergirl .
Today was better weatherwise and I’ve spent it in the local neighbourhood playing with my smallest kids. Inbetween drinking beer and watching football obviously. Don’t judge, I’m on holiday [emoji8]
Alfred (2yrs) went up and down this slope at least 20 times. He’s a speed freak.
And a daredevil.
Edward (1yr) mostly just makes his Dad do dumb shit then laughs at him.
My older, hairier offspring were off being older and hairier some place. More of them later
To finish, tour jeans in the arctic sunlight:
And my grim mug [emoji847]
Badass! A great start to your leg. [emoji1419]
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wow jeans look awesome now.
That's mental about the light must fuck with your head.
Not quite a daily blog @Aetas but pretty banal stuff nevertheless.
I’m now on “holiday” which until I actually go on holiday (FnC I need you) means projects around the house. If the weather was better I’d be up the cabin, but nooooo [emoji25]
It’s not all bad though as I have time to get to the gym (where I represent IH and LFC regularly). I’m enjoying the World Cup and I’m pleased England are doing well, but as a Welshman and with dual citizenship of the People’s Republic of Liverpool I can’t say I’m a supporter. I’d much rather have a legendary bird on my chest than three big cats. There may be a pun in that sentence. There may not be.
One of the things I’ve spent money on in the last few years that gets used more than my XHS or Wesco’s is this trailer. I love it nearly as much as my clothes. I seriously need an automobile upgrade however. The C-Max is a great family car and very flexible but it’s dull. So very, very dull.
Used the trailer to go get some materials for the lee wall I’m building.
At the start of the day:
Halfway through the “shift”:
Shortly before knocking off:
There’s something Sisyphean about building a wall intended to keep the breeze from the fjord off the veranda on sunny days, when the wind is up to 14m/s and it’s raining. Still, it’ll be finished tomorrow.
Didn’t work in the tour jeans as the thinning crotch, and ahem fitted thighs and top block, together with manual labour, seemed like a sketchy combination.
Carried on building also after work, Alfie just wants to tear it down though.
Then a relaxing time with some footie on the telly. Or something like that…
Great update @Neph93 !
And since you have an entire basketball team under your roof, you should consider getting one of these (either would do) - both would haul that trailer like a champ [emoji41]
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I’d love one of those. Cars in Norway are insanely expensive, cars you have to import yourself even more so.
The culture in the whole country regarding cars is a little special. The status symbol aspect has increased somewhat in the last decade and it’s no longer unusual to own two (although the state strongly discourages it through punitive taxation), but I’ve never been in a country in the so-called western world where people drive any old crap in any old state. Flashy cars that perform beyond your practical needs are considered gauche and showy and because of the expense people tend to drive what they have into the ground before buying new.
Leasing is taking off here though so I’m considering an all singing all dancing, brand new beast of a Volvo.
Leasing is taking off here though so I’m considering an all singing all dancing, brand new beast of a Volvo.
Smart man, the XC90 is on my hit list for sure
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I’m in love with the XC90…tried to talk Lori into it...alas we ended up with a swagger wagon...thought i was a better salesman than that.
Great start to your leg of the tour Reuban. Where you live looks glorious.
ha en fin dag
Great updates reuben. I always wanted to see norway, so far I've only been there two days and most of what I know comes through Black Metal and Lilyhammer.
Enjoyed the tidbit about Norway. The endless days seem absolutely insane…guess it gives you nonstop daylight hrs to get that build done
Excuse me…. Reuben is that a 25oz vest with brass snaps??