The Iron Heart Forum Triangle of Terror Type III Trucker Tour 2018 - Updates thread
Trying to pass the Time until the appointment starts. After a walk through the nikolaiviertel i decided to have a second breakfast in the currently hyped barn cafe. The coffee was really good.
Im sorry by the way that my phone sonetimes screws up the chronological order of the pictures and adds some twice. Its hard to fix that on a tiny display.
Whatever works
It's 5.20, i have been tattooed 7 hours until 11pm and slept not much nor had much food. Feels like having flu. But the result was worth it, i didnt even dare to dream about a shige tattoo but wanted one for years.
@Max Power great tattoo man. That’s a hell of a sit! 7 hours. Damn man. Great posts.
Thanks guys. It's still over 30 degrees so there will probably not be much updates soon. If that continues we'll have to decide wether I'll Keep it a bit longer or move on - though I think @Jordan23 would be next and Berlin is even hotter right now.
It cooled down so i could wear the jacket to work and added a button. On the way home i saw they're making a movie in our street. Tonight I'll have a few beers with very good friends from hone that i haven't seen for a year.
We had a few beers and good food yesterday. On the way home we learned that the movie is by Fatih Akin, a very renowned director and about Fritz Honka. He was a psychopath and murderer who lived right in this street where he kept and buried his dismembered victims. :o
Took the jacket for a short ride to the gym before my sister, her husband and two kids arrive. Temps have dropped to 13°c so the jacket is finally put to proper use.
Loving the Police Audi !
Enjoying your tour @Max Power !!! Beer+tattoos
Thank you! @sabergirl its an old specialized langster, nothing fancy but i always liked the colour.
The rest of the weekend was super busy as i had my sister and family for a sleepover. We had lots of fun in the strong wind down river elbe which is (without kids) in short walking distance from home.
Thanks @neph93 If you come here you need to say hello and i will provide a lot of tips. That would be awesome!
Tonight I'm taking the jacket out to meet with friends and i will bring a few beers from home over to do a small tasting round. I also added the tour beer that was included…lets see how much it scores.
Surprisingly the winners are in the right order from the left: 1. Hübner 2. Grohe 3. Held
So I'm happy my local beer scored higher but the Grohe was really tasty too.