Photograph and Camera talk
digital right?! some of the colours look like film shots.. also, how'd you managed that tilt shift from the sky? post processed?
Beautiful shots @Sam
Thanks guys!
There may be a few more I can post @Jett129. Thanks for the kind compliments as always Jett.
@Dion Stalin Cat was super chill. Found him/her sleeping in there amongst those soviet heads. Thought maybe I was the first to find it but a little research on IG showed me that I am not original haha
@louisbosco Yeah, these were all taken on my iPhone actually…sadly forgot my proper camera ::) All the post-processing was done in IG so nothing too difficult. Do you still use 35mm film? I've got loads of old rolls that need developing but they're mostly medium format and I'm loathed to pay the money when I know they could be garbage.
Cheers @ROman Trying to get more travelling under my belt so I can catch up with you!
@Sam yeah i do still shoot film. i'm finding it hard to get expired positive/slide films for cross processing as well. the easiest to get right now are probably the B&W and negatives. i know a place in perth that exclusively develops mine, also another place in Singapore that does it way cheaper than perth. but because of convenience, i do it in perth..
What a great composition@Jett129 ! Perfect exposure too; well done!
“The flames sawed in the wind and the embers paled and deepened and paled and deepened like the bloodbeat of some living thing eviscerate upon the ground before them and they watched the fire which does contain within it something of men themselves inasmuch as they are less without it and are divided from their origins and are exiles. For each fire is all fires, and the first fire and the last ever to be.“
Cormac McCarthy, Blood Meridian
Great stuff across the board team. Love the coals and McCarthy prose.
Macro of a yellow woolly bear caterpillar. Name: justified.
Ferris wheel in south Brittany.
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Moon last night over Sea Isle City NJ. Took about 100 shots to get, had to really mess with settings, especially turning shutter speed waaay down. Had to keep super still (I was on a wooden balcony to boot), I now see the use of having a tripod. But, it feels good to really capture something. Used the 18-200 zoom lens.
^fantastic shot man!
Thanks fellas (and ladies).
I’m a big fan of reflective photography,I’m also a big fan of your photography. So where or what is ASDA?
ASDA is a crappy British supermarket.
I mentioned to Sam in an email recently that I very much enjoy the creative motifs and humour in his pictures as well as his technical skill.